Hide-tags for the WIKI pages?

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Hide-tags for the WIKI pages?

Postby tachzusamm » Thu Aug 04, 2011 11:52 am

I see the WIKI is in a big rework process, which is great. Namely the layout is looking far more clear than before, and much closer to other WIKIs around (like Wikipedia).
Mostly the text flow is now just that: a text flow, not interrupted by huge images, which are put on the right side.

For example: http://guildofwriters.org/wiki/PyPRP:Stencils

Well, yes, it looks better. But (isn't there always a "but"?) to be honest, I find it confusing that especially the images which show settings (Screenshots of the Blender GUI) are so small, and when you click on them, you see only the image, and have to use browser-back and find the position in the text where you were before.
Having images of settings directly in the text flow like some time ago was a great advantage especially for beginners. In my humble opinion.

And to make it even more confusing, some images are referenced by link, others are referenced by naming them as "Fig.2" for example.

So, would it be able to add hide tags to the WIKI system? Like spoiler tags?
This way the user could blend in the settings-screenshots where he likes or needs them.

(Having images of textures or scenes only on the right side as small thumbs is okay though.)
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Re: Hide-tags for the WIKI pages?

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Thu Aug 04, 2011 4:52 pm

Thanks for the input! I don't really like the idea of having "spoilers" on the wiki. I would much prefer using lightboxes as they seem a bit more elegant. That will be my next wiki project after I clean up the PyPRP main page.
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