I also tried setting Uru to widescreen. Works fine when you know how to do it, however as Hoikas said, the game will be stretched and there is no way to fix that. I prefer to play in windowed mode as well.
That's a bit tricky, but if anyone wants to know how to change it for offline use (and OFFLINE use ONLY, if that's for a Shard you must refer to Diafero's tutorial)... :
Graphic settings are all stored in the "dev_mode.dat" file, in Uru's directory. You'll need PlasmaShop to open this file. So the first step is getting PlasmaShop if you don't have it already:
https://github.com/H-uru/libhsplasma/wikiYou'll want PlasmaShop 3 beta ("Setup-PS30-Beta-rXXX.exe"). Install the program, make sure you remember where it is installed in case it does not create a shortcut directly.
Open PlasmaShop.exe, click the "Open File" button, and select the dev_mode.dat file in your Uru install folder. You'll see all sorts of infos displayed. What you'll want is change the width and height in the "Device Mode" area to whichever resolution you want. Save the file.
Before you start Uru, you'll want to make the file "read-only": right-click on the file, go into "Properties" and check "read-only". Otherwise UruSetup.exe (the program allowing you to change your settings) will think the file is invalid and revert your changes. Setting it to read-only prevents ALL application from modifying the file.
Note that UruSetup will complain about resolution being invalid and failing to write graphic settings. You can safely ignore those messages.
- old outdated instructions Show Spoiler
In DI's root folder, copy the following files:
- libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- libstdc++-6.dll
- mingwm10.dll
- QtCore4.dll
- QtGui4.dll
- UruStarter.exe
- urustarter.ini (if you can't find this file, create a blank file with this name)
- urustarter-checksums.txt
All the files might not be needed, but it usually works fine this way.
Paste these files in your CC root folder. Open urustarter.ini.
Make sure it contains this text:- Code: Select all
Set the width and height to whichever resolution you want in pixels. You better leave colourDepth at 32. Save the file.
Then execute UruSetup.exe. In the "graphic" tab, make sure the aliasing, quality, etc is at the value you want. Uncheck "Windowed" in ColorDepth. Set the screen resolution to 800x600 (this is important ! If you don't UruStarter won't set your new resolution).
Launch Uru, then exit it (can be while it's loading, it doesn't matter. All we wanted was UruSetup to save the graphic settings).
Back to Uru's root folder, execute UruStarter.exe. Then open UruStarter.log in the log directory. You should get something like this:- Code: Select all
UruStarter initialized in C:/UruDirectory
Failed to load whitelist
Trying to set resolution to 1440x900
Resolution successfully set
Colour depth successfully set
Whoo-hoo, done. But it's not over, because UruSetup always overwrites the settings when you launch it. These settings are saved in the "dev_mode.dat" file in Uru's root folder. So, right-click on it, go into "Properties" and check "read-only". Click OK.
That's it, Uru should now have the resolution you want. UruSetup will always complain that it can't save the graphic settings as it no longer has access to the file. Just ignore it.
To reverse it, you must uncheck the "Read-only" checkbox in the files Properties.
An alternative to setting dev_mode.dat to read-only is starting UruExplorer WITHOUT UruSetup. That's not so tricky, you have to create a shortcut to UruExplorer.exe, then go into the Properties dialog, and in "target file" (I'm not sure about the name) you have to enter this:- Code: Select all
"C:\<PATH TO YOUR URU FOLDER>\UruExplorer.exe" -iinit To_Dni
(remember to change the path, of course).
I hope my instructions aren't too obscure. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.