cannot run drizzle on windows 11

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cannot run drizzle on windows 11

Postby TPereira » Sun Mar 24, 2024 7:30 pm

cannot use drizzle on windows 11 everytime i recive this error message: You appear to be running Windows Vista or Windows Seven. Uru has a bug that will require a workaround, see for details. I'm not running vista or 7. it happens with all drizzle 31 drizzle 32-01-02-23 drizzle 32-03-02-23 or drizzle 32-30-09-19.
i do not know what to do.
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Re: cannot run drizzle on windows 11

Postby Maroonroon » Mon Mar 25, 2024 7:43 am ... _Windows10

Newer versions of windows have a security feature that makes for some trouble here. If you're running one of these Windows, you'll have to do either one of the following:
- Option 1) Navigate to the Uru folder (e.g. "C:/Program Files/Ubi Soft/Cyan Worlds/Uru - Ages Beyond Myst/" or "C:/Program Files (x86)/Ubi Soft/Cyan Worlds/Uru - Ages Beyond Myst/") Right click that folder, go to properties, then the Security tab. Click on 'Edit', select the 'Users' group, and allow 'Full control' for that group. Then double-click UruSetup.exe, and give it permission to run if Vista asks.(You could also copy UruSetup.exe as UruCC.exe so that Vista will not ask in the future.) (Thanks Erik!)
- Option 2) Move(i.e. 'cut', not 'copy') your Uru game from "C:/Program Files/Ubi Soft/Cyan Worlds/Uru - Ages Beyond Myst" to the "My Games" directory or your Desktop.

Could this, fix your issue?
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Re: cannot run drizzle on windows 11

Postby Sirius » Fri May 10, 2024 8:48 am

Exactly what Maroonroon said.
The error message isn't really clear, but this affects any Windows version after Vista, so 7, 8, 10 and 11. Ideally Uru shouldn't be installed in Program Files.
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