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Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 9:41 am
by Pavitra
Non-temporary array variables are a little weird; assigning with subscript doesn't really work right. You'd need to do something like this:

Code: Select all
_temp = testme
_temp[0] += 1
testme = _temp

This bug/quirk is documented somewhere, but I forget where.

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:52 pm
by belford
Assigning with subscript *can* work right. The problem here is that you define a testme property in the world definition. The [0,0] that you define there is read-only -- it's "in the descriptive book" which is shared between all instances.

(When you try to change a read-only structure, there's a runtime error and the room description can be inconsistent after that. That's why "/refresh" changes the display. That always indicates a bug, but in this case the bug is in your code.)

Pavitra's code assigns an array to the instance property testme. Instance properties are mutable. So if you run Pavitra's code *once*, then your original code_1 will work correctly after that. (For that instance.)

You could work around this by assigning "testme = [0,0]" in the oninit hook property. Or just avoid using a mutable array.

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 8:53 pm
by belford
Seltani has been publicly available for a year today, by the way. :)

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 11:38 pm
by Acorn
belford wrote:Seltani has been publicly available for a year today, by the way. :)

Happy birthday Seltani, and congratulations, belford and all who have produced ages! :D

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:08 am
by Deledrius
belford wrote:Seltani has been publicly available for a year today, by the way. :)

Congrats! It's a very cool system. :D

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Jun 15, 2014 5:34 pm
by belford
I've posted Salvanas, a puzzle Age.

No story, no background, just some stuff to solve. :)

I also note that someone has added a fairy-tale Age called Northern Empire to the gallery shelf. It doesn't seem to be complete, but it's a nice start.

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Fri Aug 01, 2014 12:42 pm
by belford
In case anybody's curious, running Seltani on Amazon EC2 looks like it'll cost $17 per month. ($14.80 for a t1.micro instance; the rest is assorted small change for storage, bandwidth, DNS, and password-change email.)

I can cover that easily and I'm not asking for donations. It would be weird to collect money for a MOUL spinoff when MOUL itself needs donations. If Seltani ever turns into a smash hit, it will cost more, and then I'll come up with another plan. :)

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 8:33 pm
by CompulsoryMoniker
I discovered this project a few days ago I love it! This is an amazing system you've build and all the ages I've visited are fantastic as well. I've spent my time here exploring and building my library (which has quickly turned into an entire house full of tests and me learning the system). You'll probably see me in the cavern going by my less forum friendly alias, Tyler (and probably walking around with my face deeply embeded in a notebook).

I just have a few questions that I wanted to ask (which should, by no means, be perceived as complaining). I apologize ahead of time for the incoming wall of text!

  1. in this post reordering bookshelves and location properties is brought up. Was this implemented and I'm just being daft and not seeing it or has/will that not been implemented yet/ever? (again, not complaining, just curious)

  2. [SOLVED] just figured it out while writing the questing. The text() command was what I was looking for (going to leave this here incase anyone else has this problem. The line break question still stands though).
    I'm trying to build a system where people can report problems they find in my ages (a sort of ticker tape if you will) and I can't figure out how to have paragraphs inside a double square bracket statement. For more detail I have the reporting working; it dumps a concatenated string containing name, date, and text into a value property array. To read it I have a text property but I cant figure out how to put paragraph breaks between entries.

    I have tried
    Code: Select all

    but that just prints the entries with the actual text "[$para]" between them. (I have also tried the same thing but with "\n\n" or "\r\r" to much the same effect, though it didn't print the "\n\n"/"\r\r" which makes me think it sees the escape sequences but doesn't use them?)

    (on a related note is it posible to put a line break (not a new paragraph in?)

  3. Is there any way to edit a realm property in an editstr property? Attempting to put "realm.prop_name" in the string property results in "realm_prop_name" which obviously doesn't work.

  4. When using the print() command it prints like this ['The door clicks unlocked then slides open.'] (including the square brackets and single quotes). Is this intentional or am I using it wrong.

If you just read through all that thank you and, again, sorry for the wall.

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:44 pm
by belford
The stuff with reordering bookshelves has not been implemented.

I thought the thing about [[]] had been fixed, but I can't remember for sure.

editstr does not work on realm properties.

The print() command is meant to be used in code that's being interpolated. That is, if a code property called "prop" prints text, then you can use [[prop]] and the printed output will be interpolated. If you use print() without anything to catch the output, it falls out into the console like that.

(You could use this to handle the bug report system, too.)

Glad you're having fun.

Re: Seltani: Rearranging the gallery

PostPosted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 4:34 pm
by belford
Seltani will have a scheduled reboot on Wednesday the 24th, at noon Eastern time.

(Scheduled by Amazon, not by me.)

They list a two-hour window for the reboot. I don't know whether it'll be down the whole time. I will shut down the server before noon, to limit the opportunity for surprises, and bring it back up when it's all over.