Who Else?

General debates and discussion about the Guild of Writers and Age creation

Re: Who Else?

Postby Karkadann » Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:00 pm

kaelisebonrai wrote:
How to reply to this... lets start here.

1) Veralun is not an employee of Cyan, he is a volunteer moderator.

2) Two people spent a couple of minutes on the banner. Who are you to tell them how to spend their time?

3) Our actions did not affect work on open source projects at all.

4) If we do not stand up for ourselves, who will?

5) While Open Source may be technically here - we cannot use the code for much at all - the licensing issues prevent us from distributing binaries, and code that does not belong to cyan was licensed under the GPL - code they had no right to license this way - code belonging to a certain company that is very much not friendly to open source - Microsoft.

1)I stand corrected I thought he was a employee

2)I did not tell any one to do any thing I merely suggested a course of action. If what he is doing is out of line I think the higher ups should know.

3)This was my main concern we all waited so long open source and even longer for Uru Live to reopen it would be ashame for this issue to cause farther delay.
again this was my main concern, thank you and good luck

4) I have enough confidence in Adam to know that he will find a way to appropriately deal with the situation I have learned from his past actions involving a locked thread from long ago that his timing is impeccable. as to why he is being attacked by a volunteer I realy dont have enough info on the situation or the people involved to answer that.

as for standing up for ones self im reminded of an old quote from Winston Churchill
Do you have enemies,.........Good that means you stood up for something some time in your life

something I have had to face most of my life
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Re: Who Else?

Postby D'nial » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:52 am

Have there been any further developments on this? No news tends to be bad news in this community...
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Annabelle » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:20 am

Who Else have been tracked, banned, ignored by the evil...I mean Veralun...? ME :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

What else could I have been granted by him? I like to go around the rules and I'm pretty sure he didn't read all my posts on MOULa forum, he might have missed some of my "Drizzle" or "alcugs" talks :D

Who is he anyway? GOD in person? I don't like him at all, he just censored all my posts and without any explanation.

The last offensive of him resulted of me being banned from the explorers group meaning that I was for some days in the Spambot category. But like all mysterious deletion, their is a mysterious counterpart ;) ...and I'm back in explorers group though I didn't find anything interesting enough since a whole month on MOULa forum worth posting a comment.
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Calam » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:58 am

I have an important point to this rant, I promise.

Years and years ago, I was a member of the Starwars.com forums and blog. While I agree that Veralun's behavior is abusive and downright irritating (especially when Cyan is so limp-handed about doing anything), the abuse of power on the MOULa forum is nothing like what I witnessed at the Star Wars forums.

Members were sometimes banned--permanently--for their first "offense". And by "offense", I mean things like criticizing Lucasfilm "too much", or commenting on moderator behavior more than once. That includes comments like "so-and-so moderator deleted my last post". That was a ban-able offense if repeated twice. This essentially made it impossible to hold the moderators accountable for their decisions, because it was difficult to reach the next echelon of authority above them. They don't have a Chogon or a RAWA over there that you can go to when you need to bypass a moderator. The moderators screened almost everything short of an email to their corporate headquarters, which was like throwing a piece of paper into a black hole.

The mods there are absolutely brutal. I have always felt that it reflects very poorly on Lucasfilm and the Star Wars brand, especially since the mods were all paid employees. But nobody higher up seemed to care, and so it continues. They also have a much, much higher volume of traffic than Cyan does and so I suppose that contributes to the no-nonsense attitude, but still, it's more than a little heavy-handed.

What's the point of me saying all this? Lucasfilm is a world-renown, multi-million dollar company with hundreds of branches and vast resources. Cyan is a little game company that has a history of barely keeping its head above water for years at a time. Lucasfilm can afford stupid mods because at the end of the day, they're Lucasfilm and they have millions of fans and customers. However, Cyan is very dependent on their fanbase to support their work because they're small. The more they alienate that fanbase, the more they shoot themselves in the foot. They can't afford that, literally.

The Point:
Time and time and time again I've seen Cyan's policies alienate their users and fans, and they're typically policies that could have been easily reversed or avoided or done better. I'm not the CEO of a game company, but based on comments I've seen over the years from people like Rand, based on how they've managed their resources, and based on Cyan's repetitious poor interactions with their community, I just don't think that Cyan will ever be a successful company again.

Short of coming up with another spectacular product on the same level of popularity as the original Myst, I suspect that Cyan will never again reach the level of respect they once had.
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Whilyam » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:39 am

Agreed, Calam. I get the impression that Rand isn't kept "in the know" by the rest of the company and that part of the company keeps coming up with these stupid policies. There's just such a disconnect between Cyan Worlds' stance on "hacking" and the feeling I got from when Rand first saw hacks used in MOULa. Rand seemed genuinely impressed and it's no coincidence that the whole Fun House thing was developed after that. Rand has always seemed to me a dreamer who wants to take chances and I fear the people he has surrounded himself with are keeping him in the dark about the risks out there he could be taking. Because, in the end, business is about doing the risky, new things that change the world (or it used to be before it suddenly was about doing the safe, old things that made you boatloads of money). If Cyan were to go out, I would rather they go out trying to do something truly unique. Instead, from what I've heard, they're slowly vanishing doing the same thing hundreds of other people are doing. Of course, that can all change, but it has to come from the top.
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Karkadann » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:42 am

Is Bandralun still at it?
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Calam » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:29 pm

Whilyam wrote:I get the impression that Rand isn't kept "in the know" by the rest of the company and that part of the company keeps coming up with these stupid policies. There's just such a disconnect between Cyan Worlds' stance on "hacking" and the feeling I got from when Rand first saw hacks used in MOULa.

I'm not sure if that's the case. There's a rather revealing interview with Rand in the back of the Prima Guide for Myst V. It's from 2005 and might even be considered outdated, but In response to this question, he states:

Myst V Prima Guide wrote:Q: Do you have a level of interaction with the fans that the fans don't know about? Do you "ghost" on the forums and message boards? I know that there are still Uru Live servers running; do you ever pop in there?

Rand: I haven't lately, just because of how busy we've been here with [Myst] V, although I've a close relationship here with people at the company that do that stuff on a regular basis, so I get regular updates from them. "What's going on now? What's the buzz? What are people talking about? What are they having problems with? What are they postulating? What are they thinking?" I usually get that from those guys, from Ryan Warzecha or RAWA, those guys who are really in touch with the fans, who in fact, in Ryan's case, came from being one of the fans to work here. And I do ghost on occasion, just to follow some threads through, but it's a lot easier and more efficient to get highlights from someone else, in most cases.

Ryan obviously isn't there anymore, but RAWA is, and I've always had the impression that he has an accurate read on the pulse of the fanbase. I can't imagine that Rand is totally in the dark about the instability in the community or how it might affect Cyan Worlds' future. It's just too big to miss. Or maybe I'm only saying that because I've been watching it happen for 5 years...

Another interesting thing in the interview is this:

Myst V Prima Guide wrote:Q: There's a really strong family element to Cyan. You just talked about having your kids around and working with your brother Robyn, and now you're still working with your brother Ryan. And there's been a really strong family connection in the games. Can you comment on that a little bit?

Rand: Oddly enough, and I'm not sure how, I think companies are shaped by the people at the top of the company...
And I hope that happens here. We're a living. Bottom line is, we're a living for a lot of people. And regardless of what you think of the product and what we're doing, people are supporting families as they're doing this. And that's probably one of the reasons we're not the best business company as well. We do whatever we can to maintain that, to keep people here and not mess with that. It feels like there's family stuff going on. It sounds a little corny, to say that you're a family, but there are things that come from us actually starting this as a family with a couple of brothers that I hope dribble down, where we feel obligations that are much beyond business. Business is not business here, and I hate that saying. It's not. There are much better and deeper things here than business.

(Bolding is mine)

The highlighted phrases really point to some key issues here. Rand said it himself; Cyan isn't the most business-smart company. And whether Rand realizes or not, it's probably also the reason they haven't had a major success come out of their studio since Riven. (Remember that Myst III and IV were developed by outside companies while Cyan was working on Uru Live, which ultimately failed.) And while it's great that they have so much company loyalty to their employees, I suspect that on some level, this attitude has interfered with logical business practices. On so many levels, the fans have helped breathed life back into the company, most notably with the enthusiastic response to D'mala, which kicked opened the door to their contract with Turner for MO:UL to be hosted on Gametap. Yet there has been increasing incoherency in how Cyan interacts with their fans. Given the general zaniness that the Uru community has always exhibited, this has been a disastrous combination.

I'm not suggesting that Cyan take stupid or insane risks in order to please their fans, who ultimately still are only a percentage of their actual customers. There really is a silent majority that does not post on the forums, and often the insanity that takes place in the online community is not a true reflection of their actual client base, especially since their main project is now another game that has nothing to do with Myst.

But that does not invalidate the importance that Myst and Uru fans have played in Cyan's growth and development. Logic would dictate that though Uru or Myst is no longer their main project, it would still be important for them to maintain the best possible relationship with those fans. Yet they have displayed almost total incompetence in that regard, time and time again. A company's stance on things like UCC or hacking are usually pretty clear-cut: they either allow it or they don't, and if they do allow it, there are clearly defined limitations and policies that shape how the company responds to things like 'hacking'. Cyan's responses and Rand's responses (which so often seem incongruous) have been utterly confusing from the start.

If I had a conversation with Rand tomorrow, I would say something like this:
"I'd recommend that you just cease offering support for Uru's future altogether. Your company's policies on the matter have alienated some of the community's most critical elements, and the game itself is clearly just a pet project for you guys. Save your company's resources and your employees' time, and just withdrawal approval or support. If donations no longer maintain the upkeep of the MO:ULa server, then bring it offline. Too much ground has been lost for Uru to really have any future other than as another outdated game with a small following. Disband any sort of official recognition for all of the Guilds and declare that any hacking of your products will be pursued with legal action. Take away the UCC tools. I promise you, all of this nonsense will end tomorrow if you did that today."

Grim? Blunt? Sad? Yeah. But it'd at least save everybody a lot of time. We wouldn't have another five years like the last five. Clearly Actions like those recommended above would at least be clear and reduce all confusion. Is that what everybody really wants? I think neither we nor Cyan can have our cake and eat it, too.

There's got to be a decisive response from Cyan one way or the other or this stupidity will continue.
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:52 pm

RAWA has sent me a grand total of one email, and in that email he proved without a doubt in my mind that he does not truly get the community. Rather, he prefers to cater to those who worship the holy blue.
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Karkadann » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:05 pm

Tsar Hoikas wrote:RAWA has sent me a grand total of one email, and in that email he proved without a doubt in my mind that he does not truly get the community. Rather, he prefers to cater to those who worship the holy blue.

Worship the holy blue??? I didn't know they where Pagan :D


Who would-ah thunk it
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Re: Who Else?

Postby Whilyam » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:45 pm

RAWA was very nice with me when I messaged him (even after the first Ending the Nonsense bit) so I cannot honestly say why the disparity exists there. From what I hear my experience is the exception rather than the rule, so that's a possible explanation.

Calam: I'm not sure, but I think Ryan is still involved somehow. Maybe not. The brother I think you mean is Robyn, not Ryan. Robyn left after RIVEN whereas Ryan did much of the story for Uru.
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