Introducing a little companion

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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby tangara » Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:20 pm

;) Great news!!! Thanks Christopher! 8-)
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Chacal » Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:59 pm

If it was treated like a cone, then yes it would cause lag.
But if I understand correctly, it is an animation, and there is no need for other players to see the dogs in their exact position.
The only thing other players have to know is that there is a dog following you around, and which dog it is.
Unless we want the dogs to interact with each other, and there are so many ways this could be abused ;)

So there is no need to broadcast and serialize the position of the dogs. Hence, no lag.

Christopher, can you provide more details on how you did that? And what changes it makes to the client installation?
I presume that if I join your shard, I will automatically get the necessary new files and Python code?

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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Karkadann » Wed Aug 03, 2011 4:56 pm

pardon me for asking but Ive been working on producing a few cones in max for an age, and am curios as to why or how they caused lag. and any limits I should know about
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby D'raekmus » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:02 pm

Hmm... This reminds me of another MMO with a "companion" system in it:
There's a Korean game out there called Mabinogi, where you can have a number of pets (eagle, lizard, cat, dog, wolf, etc) to assist you.

Anyway, what I found interesting about that game was that these companions were also playable by their "owners" (as in, they were their own avatar you could choose).

Perhaps we could look into a similar concept at a later time? Although... Linking mechanisms might not work so well for cats...

But, for now, I could see some potential in using pet puzzles by introducing a set of commands and a simple pet AI.

I believe you mentioned you already used the /pet command to change the pet. Perhaps you could later implement a /petcommand or /petcom command to allow people to make their pets do tricks, sit on pressure pads, maul something, etc.

Anyway, it looks great so far! Bringing more fun to Uru, one pet at a time.
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Whystler » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:03 pm

cool kitty! Great news that this kind of thing is possible and that you're making it happen.

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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Chacal » Wed Aug 03, 2011 10:35 pm

Karkadann wrote:pardon me for asking but Ive been working on producing a few cones in max for an age, and am curios as to why or how they caused lag. and any limits I should know about

Cones are like any other kickable (like the beachball in the 'hood).
Since they can be moved, all Age players have to see them in their exact position, which means any change in their position must be broadcast to all players.
Also, since players must see them at their exact position next time they will join the Age, any change in their position must be saved (serialized).

Add 100 cones to the 100 players in the City, and you can guess how bad the lag was.
For your Age, there is little chance you will get more than a few players at a time on a shard, so you should be able to manage a few cones.

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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Christopher » Thu Aug 04, 2011 2:32 am

Chacal wrote:Christopher, can you provide more details on how you did that? And what changes it makes to the client installation?
I presume that if I join your shard, I will automatically get the necessary new files and Python code?

The first thing to do was to make a Custom Avatar for the Pet. Then I modified some of Cyans Pythoncode, to make a new Yeeshapage. The core of the Pet is, that it makes an oneshot-animation on your avatar. The Pythonfile, witch control the Pet starts if you Uru starts, so you have your Pet in any age.

Chacal wrote:If it was treated like a cone, then yes it would cause lag.
But if I understand correctly, it is an animation, and there is no need for other players to see the dogs in their exact position.
The only thing other players have to know is that there is a dog following you around, and which dog it is.
Unless we want the dogs to interact with each other, and there are so many ways this could be abused ;)

So there is no need to broadcast and serialize the position of the dogs. Hence, no lag.

If someone link into your Age, all Pets willbe respawned. Then all Players send their Pet and Avatarkey to any other Player in the Age. From this point the movement from other Pets is controled through your own client. So I think there should only be a lag (for short time) if someone join the age.
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Annabelle » Thu Aug 04, 2011 5:10 pm

Oh well time for me to find my way back to The Open-Cave Shard...

I love the cat it looks like my old cat, I will name him like the one I had in real life :D


I didn't find the cat Relto page in TOC MOUL shard...but oh boy! you made my day :D

2 questions:

1) Where can I find the Relto page?

2) Do my cat will be able to follow me while I'm skydiving from up there over the Bahro smoking temple to the city below like I just did :lol: ?
Annabelle ;)
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Corvus » Fri Aug 05, 2011 1:03 am

Thank you so much, Christopher! My Pet Raven is very cute! It's nice how he follows me wherever I go. Much more fun now to explore with a companion at your side.

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Thanks again!
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Re: Introducing a little companion

Postby Christopher » Fri Aug 05, 2011 3:17 am

@Annabelle: 1) The Reltopage is hidden in the "City of Dimensions". (Its a 2nd city on the shard with many additions. More in the forum of the open cave). I don't want to say more, so you have fun for searching it :)

2) I don't know...I never tried this, but theoretically it should be possible :lol:
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