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Translating Commands like /addbuddy

PostPosted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:01 am
by OHB
Translating commands like /addbuddy or /startlog might be harder than it looks.

First, make sure that your translation is ONE WORD.

Second, make sure that it's easily to type. If you had to type /fjdisoncfjwionxjasincfxdilfsd [buddy name] to add a buddy - that would be annoying.

Third, /p is a special one - it stands for "Private". It should do the same for your language.

Now, for those that say "We'd rather just use English!" - go ahead and translate it anyway. The first language packs will still use the English commands anyway. One day we'll use your translations to enable two possible commands per command so that both English and [insert your language here] works at the same time.

Re: Translating Commands like /addbuddy

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 12:02 pm
by Frej
I started to take this challenge on for swedish but, as long as the KI and user interface does not support characters such as Ää etc. this can not easily be done. Is there a point to writing a translation that the current interface cannot use, i.e. will the KI becomecompatible?


Re: Translating Commands like /addbuddy

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:09 am
by OHB
We translate to what it /should/ be, not what it /can/ be. If you need to use accented characters, then use them.

When it comes to implementing the translations, we have the ability to use the existing English or convert accented characters to their non-accented counterparts. That part can be done automatically when exporting the translations into language packs for MO:UL.

But don't worry about that part. Just do it "right". We aim high, and fit it in later.