Great improvements on Rell-Too Age!!!!

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Great improvements on Rell-Too Age!!!!

Postby Annabelle » Sun Oct 17, 2010 2:48 am

Many thanks to whoever improve Rell-Too Age. :)

I really like this age, one of my favorites and seeing what one or many (I don't know since it is a community age) have done recently to improve it, I can't be too thankful.

Things to notice :
new plants near the pool or should I call it now the "pond",
fixed cavern bug when you go through the tiny entry way,
astonishing night effect making the age looks more realistic,
attenuation of the pink which should help people to like this age. I've heard many stating that the pinkness of this age annoyed them too much to like this age. I didn't thought the same way but anyway, it looks better, and
the blocked downward ladder that wasn't there before, so I hope this will lead to a new whole area to explore.

Enjoy the exploration of this magnificent age! :)
Annabelle ;)
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Re: Great improvements on Rell-Too Age!!!!

Postby Jojon » Sun Oct 17, 2010 5:48 am

> or many (I don't know since it is a community age)...

We take turns.

One person has the age at a time and has complete dictatorial freedom on what to do with it, including changing/expanding/removing anything that is already present.
In between turns, I (..who collect the work, once one contributor is done and passes it on to the next, as well as keeps an archive of all updates), may do a bit of householding work, like the recent shuffle of Blender layers in the project .blend file. (I also reserve the right to arbitrarily veto anything I might find inappropriate)

Last contributor was Corvus (...and thanks again, Corvus) and the age is currently in the hands of Perlenstern.

The invitation remains open, to anyone who wishes to join. Remember that ANY contribution counts; you never even have to touch the .blend file, if you don't want to.
You could contribute a picture, or sound of any kind (texture, concept art, map, research sketches, painting, etc...) along with a suggestion where it might be used, or maybe a paper outlining a puzzle concept or an engineering solution/remark.
How about some story? Like "James' journal", which Junee started (it lies hidden near the sleeping place).

Should anyone want to join, just go to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=11&t=2881 and shout out.

...and thanks for visiting. :)
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