Question about City of Dimensions BGM

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Question about City of Dimensions BGM

Postby Toki » Mon Nov 21, 2022 6:57 pm

Hello. Please forgive me if my question is not appropriate here.

I downloaded City of Dimensions with Deep Island Shard.
However, the music that is supposed to play in the elevator to the Guild Hall does not play.
No music on the boat or Kahlo Pub as well.

Is this originally?
Or is it a bug?
Or is there a problem with the download method?
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Re: Question about City of Dimensions BGM

Postby Korovev » Sun Jan 15, 2023 10:04 am

Late reply is better than no reply, I guess? :D

I just checked and I can hear the music in the elevator, both in DI and in COD-PotS.
Try running SoundDecompress.exe, and check you have cod_ElevarotMusic-Left.wav and cod_ElevarotMusic-Right.wav (sic) in sfx/streamingCache (I’m not sure what the music for the boat is named, but maybe if the elevator music is present than the rest should be as well).
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Re: Question about City of Dimensions BGM

Postby Toki » Tue Jan 24, 2023 7:14 am

Thank you for your reply.

I have been waiting for someone's reply without giving up, so I am very grateful for your reply. :)
I started Drizzle again, ran Pots Music and Sound Decompress, and the music started playing. ;)
Thank you for teaching me carefully.

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