New Nexus feature

Announcements and discussion regarding the Deep Island Alcugs Shard.

Moderator: diafero

New Nexus feature

Postby diafero » Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:33 am

The list of "restoration links" in Nexus now also shows the last time the age was updated ("Last restoration activity"), and you can sort the list by date. That's a useful extension of the lower-left part of the Relto Shelf, which also shows the last few updated ages, but of course the Shelf has by far not enough space to hold them all.

Please let me know how you like that :) . And of course I am always open for suggestions how the handling of ages could be improved. I recently re-wrote large parts of the code that do the internal handling, so in future age writers can easily manage their age's settings themselves (like the displayed name, or the description show in the book). This is inspired by a similar feature of the UAM KI Plugin.
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