Teledahn Technical Difficulties

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Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby Phantom » Tue Dec 31, 2013 5:47 pm

Hi there

I am having major difficulty in Teledahn. I go up in the bucket, but when the bucket gets to the place where it dumps you unceremonially,

1. The door will not close

2. The age freezes

I have tried to reset twice now and error still active, door will not close and bucket will not dump me. You help would be appreciated please. Kind regards

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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby Phantom » Thu Jan 02, 2014 12:09 am

Hi there

Although there was a difficulty and a glitch with the bucket of Teledahn, there is a way around the glitch. Maybe all of you already know about this way around, but I will note it down so that maybe others may be able to be assisted with this glitch.

I meet with a friend and they told me to use the command /spawn. Now to start with it was confusing as this command when used take you to all the journey marker cloths, until you come up to the one that you need to touch. For me it was the journey cloth by the bucket, after pushing that journey cloth, I was able to relto out and then use the Teledahn book, and journey cloth to continue my journey.

I believe this is not the answer for the glitch, but until the powers to be, have the time to do something about it, there is no need for you to be frustrated, there is another way.

Also point 2. The Plaza Rooftop that the bahro stone sends you from the Gahreesen maintenance centre. When you are on that rooftop, you KI will register a marker and you cannot see it. Talk about frustrating, I scoured every inch of that balcony, until I realised something. Underneath this rooftop is Sharper's City Office, and the marker can be picked up in there. I found this out when I went to the office through the fish tank in Teledahn, and low and behold, looking out of the window, there it was. So the marker you need can not be found on the Plaza Rooftop, but in Sharper's office.

I hope that this will assist someone in the future. Kind regards

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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby diafero » Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:13 am

That's strange, last time I tried Teledahn (which admittedly was years ago) it worked all right.
Is anyone else experiencing similar problems?
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby GPNMilano » Thu Jan 16, 2014 9:32 am

I just tried out Teledahn offline, and I noticed that the age has trouble retaining power. The sun is smack dab in the middle of the telescope view, but the machinery stops and goes. Was this always a feature of Teledahn?
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby Ainia » Thu Jan 16, 2014 1:36 pm

Shorah GPNMilano,

It sounds like you are describing the Teledahn "power glitch" (that's what I call it, but it might have a different historic name). It seems to be a genuine phenomenon of the Age but I have never figured out what triggers it or its purpose. Once established, it doesn't seem to go away (i.e. realigning the power tower makes no difference).

Everything in the Age which depends on the power from the tower also exhibits the power surges. They can be used but only if one times things carefully (such as the elevator and shroom console). I took a series of short videos to document this last year; you can find them here if you are interested.

Some explorers are of the opinion that this is a vestige of an unimplemented part of the Age, but I've never found anything more substantial about it from Cyan/DRC etc.

One interesting (but inconclusive) observation about it: the cogs at the power tower move separately from everything else, so I'm guessing that something is happening inside the base to convert their movement into the energy which powers the screws and the rest of the Age. You can see this at work in this video clip.
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby Annabelle » Thu Jan 16, 2014 5:02 pm

I'll have to go in the Cavern to see if I can see/reproduce the bugs Phantom/GPNMilano are seeing. First descent in 2014 for me! ;) :lol:

The marker issue:


In URU:CC (including on Deep Island), the GZ marker is located a little bit on the right. (In MOUL, it's more centred on the balcony). I can see it and I was able to add it to my green markers quest.

@Phantom: you are right in saying the Baron's City Office is located right under that balcony BUT it's just a spatial thingy.

IC: the Baron's City Office is located half-way up the stalagmite hill between the plaza & the Bahro building (Guild Hall) over the huge curtain.
OOC: the Baron's City Office spatial location is right underneath the balcony shown on the picture (where I'm standing). The city is considered being an age and the Baron's City Office is considered being another age. There's no way that a marker showing up in one age for the game can be "visible" in another age, that's illogical.

So you must haven't seen the marker on the balcony (see my picture). There might have been a bug when you were there but it is definitely on the balcony in URU:CC (DI in extension).

The Bucket ride & door issue:

I was able to ride the bucket easily and I was dumped unceremoniously from the bucket in the upper room of the huge dead shroom stump. You might have encountered a bug at the moment you played the age. I didn't use the /spawn command to move around.

The Sun power device issue:

I checked in the lense and my sun is standing smack in the centre of the aim. It has been a long time since I went back in Teledahn and the gears & rods run smoothly without intermission. I did saw this bug once or twice but it was in MOUL. I don't think it has to do specifically with URU:CC (DI in extension) engine.
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby diafero » Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:08 pm

As far as I recall, in "old" Teledahn instances (where the age was first visited long time ago), the visible position of the sun and the one you need to aim at with the telescope kind of get "out of sync", so you have to aim at something you cannot really see... ;-)
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby philipgr » Fri May 16, 2014 9:49 am

Good evening

I joined Deep Island this month. I am also experiencing the same issue as Phantom. I have tried it at least sixteen times with the same result. I am stuck in the bucket. One time I waited around ten minutes to see if I would get dumped but no luck. The door does not close completely. I am using 3G for my internet connection (huawei e220 modem). When I get in the bucket my indicator led is bright blue which means the connection is good. Halfway up to the drop room the indicator changes to dark blue which means the connection is 3G but not as good as bright blue. The indicator stays dark blue until I link out to relto when it changes back to bright blue. I will try the /spawn command and see if it works for me. At the moment I cannot get any further in completeing Teledahn and Gahreesen. :( :(
Stuck in the bucket
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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby philipgr » Fri May 16, 2014 10:00 am


Sorry I forgot to mention that last night I also experienced the issue of invisible GZ markers that Phantom mentioned in his second/follow up post. I was on the palace balcony that overlooks the Takotah buildings. I could here the marker, my Ki flashed red but I could not see it. This was the same case in Bevin. So I went back to Rezzero and stuck my hand in the marker machine by the link in point. I then went back to the palace balcony and the GZ marker was visible.

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Re: Teledahn Technical Difficulties

Postby philipgr » Fri May 16, 2014 10:47 am


Thanks Phantom. I have tried the /spawn command. It worked. The bucket room one was the last one on the whirlwind journey. I agree with you about it not being the ideal way to solve the problem but at least I can complete Teledahn and Gahreesen. I did not know about the /spawn command. I have seen in the various shards saying explorer **** has respawned to starting point. I did not know what it meant or how to do it or why you would need/want to. Anyway me and my Avie are on the exploring road again. :) :)
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