1.1 For GOG: Do NOT install Myst V! Especially if you already have Myst V installed, you don't want to mess with your registry. Instead extract the installer with UniExtract2, innounp, innoextract, or any other tool you prefer. Note, that innoextract also works on Linux and macOS.
1.2 For Steam: Doownload the game with Steam/Steam Console/SteamCMD and exit Steam.
2. Download the patch. The location of the patch itself doesn't matter, but if the patch is ran from the game directory it will automatically detect it.
3. Run the patch. If running from an external folder, click "Browse", point to the folder that contains eoa.exe
4. If you chose the correct folder, you'll see a message declaring the detected version.
- "Examples" Show Spoiler
5. Click Start. The patching should take less than a minute. You're done!
6. For Steam: After Drizzling the files into DI, verify the Myst V cache with Steam, if you're planning to play it after applying this patch.
- The patch addresses all the files that differ between the versions, except GameIntro.bik and python.pak, since those are not used by Drizzle.
- The patch renames eoa.exe to MystV.exe for Drizzle to recognize the folder, but it does not add/remove DRM or change the file in any way.
- The patch does not delete additional language files found in the digital versions.
- The patch is not intended nor tested for playing the resulted Myst V. The sole purpose of this patch is to provide input for Drizzle.
- You do not need this patch if you're converting for Offline Uru.
- Myst V will be updated later this year. I will update the patch when I have the new data.
- [To Admins] Feel free to remove the link if my patch (somehow) breaks any rules/infringes any copyrights.