Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

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Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Tue Dec 24, 2019 8:23 am

Just to confirm that Deep Island works flawlessly on Catalina using Crossover 19 - with a "default" XP bottle. No sound problems in Relto (at last) either.

Have fun
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby Ainia » Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:17 pm

Shorah Bob!

Before Catalina, I'd always built my own Wineskins. So I'm new to both Catalina and Crossover. Could you provide me some more detailed steps about exactly how to get the DI shard up and going? My first big hurdle is to get the Windows UruCC installer to download (from Steam). As it turns out, it's easy to download the one from GOG but it won't install in Crossover (throws a .NET error). So far, a big headache. :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:53 pm

Hi Ainia! Welcome back!

So, from your post it sounds like you have upgraded to Catalina on an existing machine. If this is the case, then none of your wine wrappers will work anymore as Catalina will not open 32bit programs (or wrappers) or indeed wineskin winery. You may as well delete them all.
If you have a new mac preloaded with Catalina, do not attemp to install use Wine, wineskin or any other wrapper maker.

Once you have Crossover 19 installed (-it must be 19 as it is the ONLY version that will install 32bit games) then the next thing is to get your CC GoG installer files so follow this guide: and put them in a new folder on your desktop.

Open Crossover and look at the bottom of the window and click on "Install unlisted Windows program"

In the next window, type "Deep Island Shard" and then click on next

In this new window choose "select installer file" and navigate to the new folder on your desktop and select the setup_uru_cc.exe file and then click next

In this last window, make sure you have the "normal" XP bottle selected and click install

The game should install normally, including PhysX. Do not launch the game after install, click finish on the GoG installer window.

Crossover will complete the bottle and you should be returned to the normal crossover window showing the bottle. This window should have two panes, a thinner left pane and a wider right pane. If you only have one pane, click on the icon (in the top left of crossover) with three tiny bottles. You should now have both panes visible.

Ok, now, to access the c drive in this new bottle, highlight it and click on the gear icon at the bottom of that pane and select show c drive.

You can now follow the DI installation (the same as you did with wine) to copy the DI files into the install.

Finally, Crossover has already created a launch icon in the Mac Launcher (spaceship) app BUT it is inside a folder called Crossover. It will be called Deep Island Shard. Drag it out of the folder so it is a stand alone icon in launcher (and then to your dock if you want a dock launcher.

Click the DI Shard icon .... and enjoy!

(if you need any help, just reply here!)

Good Luck!
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby Ainia » Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:06 am

Shorah Bob!

Thank you SO much for the detailed instructions. I will addd: after adding the DI patcher files to the Uru:CC installation directory, I had to rename UruSetup.exe (to UruSetup.old.exe) and then renamed Uru.exe to UruSetup.exe.

There were a handful of errors thrown during the Uru:CC install but I have yet to test whether they will cause any problems with logging in and exploring.

I will post here if I run into any issues.
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby Ainia » Sun Jan 12, 2020 1:38 am

Well, so far, I've encountered some texturing issues. I assume running a repair would help, but I'm not sure how to do that in this case...

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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:16 am

[EDIT] oooh, oooh, ooh ...I just remembered. When I installed DI, I didn't get to Relto before quitting. The next time I logged in I had a load of new files download (about 450MB if I remember correctly) and wondered what that was all about ...... obviously, it was downloading the missing texture files.... so next time you log in it should resolve itself. Plus, yes, I think you have to rename one of the files, as described in the DI installation instructions.



Yes, you have missing textures although I'm not sure why that would happen.

Try this. Open Crossover and double click the run command ...

Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.05.19.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.05.19.jpg (35.82 KiB) Viewed 12333 times

and then navigate to your renamed "old" urusetup.exe. I'm not sure why you had to rename it but that is the file you need to run which should check that all the files are present and download any missing ones.

Also, try just Logging in again as it should also check the correct texture files are present... and download any missing ones.

If it persists, I suggest you delete the bottle completely and start again from scratch. You shouldn't need to rename any files.

If you start from scratch, and the new bottle install throws some errors, please screenshot them and post here.
Last edited by boblishman on Sun Jan 12, 2020 11:12 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:40 am

Ainia, see above edit..
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:22 am

Hi Ainia,

Another tip: You can change the game icon in Launcher (and your dock) if you hate that old pixellated icon that Crossover has used.

Here's how:

Open crossover ...

Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.51.04.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.51.04.jpg (52.21 KiB) Viewed 12328 times

and the new finder window opens ...

Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.58.09.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 11.58.09.jpg (156.01 KiB) Viewed 12328 times

Use the Get Info to open this window ...

Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 12.02.00.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-12 at 12.02.00.jpg (74.29 KiB) Viewed 12328 times

and now you can drag a new icon on top of the old one (red arrow) until a green "+" sign appears, and release. After a few seconds, the game icon (and dock icon) will change to the new icon.

If you like the icon I am using you can download it HERE
Last edited by boblishman on Sun Jan 12, 2020 7:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby boblishman » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:38 am

Ainia, changing the game icon is especially useful if you install more shards .... as you can see ...

shards.png (75.81 KiB) Viewed 12324 times

(If you want any more of these icons, just let me know)
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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

Postby Ainia » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:32 pm

Shorah again Bob,

Yes, I would like more of your icons. The ones I'd used for my old Wineskins look kind of dated. :-)

Still no clear success so far. :-/

I've done at least half a dozen Deep Island Shard bottles and always get these install errors (just in case they are relevant):

Runtime Error (at 73:1358): <blank>
Runtime Error (at 210:800): Out of Stack Range
Runtime Error (at 210:806): Out of Stack Range
Out of Global Vars range

It's also worth noting that throughout the entire install (and launch) process, I get popups saying the file cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified; clicking Cancel allows things to move on (it doesn't cancel the current activity but acts more like an Ignore button).

Also, the only way to get the bottle to use Uru.exe (which is why I'd renamed it the first go-around, before I found this workaround) is to go to Run Command..., browse to Uru.exe and click the Save Command as Launcher button.

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I haven't been able to get back into the shard, however. Today, whenever I launch the shard bottle, I get to the login screen and can ping the server just fine. However, after logging in, I cannot get past the next screen (it doesn't show my Player name and the only button available is Cancel). It's worth noting that I tried a couple times to log in with an incorrect password and got an error message from the server (so my login does seem to be working from the first screen).

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Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 3.59.00 PM.png (637.99 KiB) Viewed 12304 times

In regard to last part of your original instructions, I've been unable to successfully move anything from the location used in Crossover (the launcher icon/app). Everything I've tried simply breaks the bottle/installation. Perhaps I'm not understanding your instructions correctly?

Finally, Crossover has already created a launch icon in the Mac Launcher (spaceship) app BUT it is inside a folder called Crossover. It will be called Deep Island Shard. Drag it out of the folder so it is a stand alone icon in launcher (and then to your dock if you want a dock launcher.
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