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Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:14 am
by boblishman
Hi Ainia,

OK, this sounds like it might have to do with permissions and security in Catalina. Catalina is VERY "possessive" about itself. VERY. Consequently, it may be refusing to install some of the necessary "extras" needed by DI and that's why you may be getting the "the developer cannot be verified" messages. Basically, Catalina only wants to install programs that come from the Mac App Store or from "certified developers". Personally, I find that intrusive as I consider my computer to belong to ME, not Apple, and I should be able to do what I want with it. I get that Apple are trying to "protect" it's basic, novice "user" but sometimes they can be a bit "heavy-handed" with their security measures.

Fortunately, you can "regain" control of your machine with some simple steps.Doing this does, however, put you, theoretically, "at risk". I hate that phrase because it is used deliberately to scare users into NOT gaining full control over their machines and is also, IMHO, very patronising.

My guess is that, if you used wine in the past, then you are aware that installing software from "unknown" sources DOES have potential risks to your system.
However, I also guess that you are VERY able to make an excellent judgement as to what "non-Apple" software you are going to install on your machine.

So, having said all this, you can make "non-Apple certified" software installable by following the following steps. (I have done this on my system and it makes my life SO much easier)


(This article also shows you how to reverse the process so that your machine is "locked down" again to Apple Apps, should you decide to.)

So, if you follow those steps from the link and then go to System Preferences/Security & Privacy/General tab ... you should have this :

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 13.50.15.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 13.50.15.jpg (24.88 KiB) Viewed 10066 times

... with "Anywhere" selected.

Now, you also need to allow Crossover to access certain things on your computer, so now, click on the Privacy tab and ensure Crossover has a tick in these places:

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 14.01.53.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 14.01.53.jpg (47.26 KiB) Viewed 10066 times

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 14.06.59.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 14.06.59.jpg (52.46 KiB) Viewed 10066 times

(you may not have all these options for Files and Folders, depending if you have used Crossover to install other applications besides DI)

NOTE: You do NOT need to give access to Crossover for Full Disk Access even though Crossover appears in it's options.

OK, so now, Crossover has the ability to install correctly. I suggest at this point you delete any bottles you made for DI and create a new one using the standard XP bottle option.

My next question is: Your downloaded GoG CC installation file - is it on your desktop? If it's on an external disk I suggest you move it to your desktop to create the bottle.


Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:43 am
by boblishman
(... cont)

Now, lets check your DI bottle.

Open Crossover and look at your DI bottle in the left pane. It was a "i" icon and if you click on it a small window appears. Does it look like this ?:

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 15.17.38.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 15.17.38.jpg (47.05 KiB) Viewed 10051 times

And my final questions are : Have you used Crossover to install

a) MOULagain (- is it working correctly?)

b) Any non-Uru applications?

Finally, the folder I was taking about with the DI Shard game icon is a folder in Launcher ....

Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 15.28.04.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-13 at 15.28.04.jpg (116.79 KiB) Viewed 10051 times

Drag it out of there so it appears as a stand alone game icon (like the others in this screenshot) and then, drag it to your dock if you want it there too.

Good luck!

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:10 am
by boblishman
I am posting this here as I guess it might be of interest to anyone who has upgraded to Catalina and I can't think of where else to put it!:

I'm a little late to the party with this but just to let you Mac guys know that it is possible to play those old, archived copies of pre-Uru demo games released by Eric Anderson as detailed on his twitter page:

There are three Ages: Nexus, Hector Cove and Descent. Here is a link to the downloads for those who want to try them out:

Using Crossover 19 they all run surprising well, including the sounds and music.
For those of you who don't have Crossover 19 here are some spoiler images I screenshot today from my Crossover install :

Show Spoiler

Show Spoiler

Show Spoiler

Let me know if you need help installing them ... and I'll try and help.

Here's what I did to get them to run:

NexusDemo: After unzipping the downloaded file...

1. Created a new standard XP bottle installing nGlide210_setup.exe from the unzipped download, calling the bottle "Nexus Demo".
2. Opened the C:/ drive in the Nexus Demo bottle and copied the NexusDemo folder to inside the Program Files folder.
3. Edited the init\sound_init.dat file (to enable the sound) by adding the # symbol to wavoff & midioff
4. Still in the C./ drive .... Double Click the Dirt.exe file (which is inside the NexusDemo folder)

Hector Cove and Descent: After unzipping the files, copy the respective game folder(s) into c/: Program Files in the NexusDemo bottle (so they are with the NexusDemo folder). I then installed DirectX for Pre-Windows XP games using Crossovers built in api. I then ran the DirtSetup.exe (by double clicking) for both Descent and Hector Cove. I used the Glide options and 32bit resolution at maximum.

To run the games, just open the c/: drive , open the respective folder for the game you want and then double click on the Dirt.exe file. Have fun!

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:25 am
by boblishman
helpful screenshots for the above post ...

Place all demo folders into Program Files in the c drive of the bottle:

Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 16.49.06.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 16.49.06.jpg (94.5 KiB) Viewed 10025 times

install Direct X ....

api.jpg (326.69 KiB) Viewed 10025 times

configuring DirtSetup.exe:

Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 16.59.18.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 16.59.18.jpg (50.55 KiB) Viewed 10025 times

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:56 am
by Deledrius
boblishman wrote:Ainia, changing the game icon is especially useful if you install more shards .... as you can see ...

(If you want any more of these icons, just let me know)

Those are pretty cool, but I don't see how those blurry ones help you know which server you're launching! ;)

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:28 am
by boblishman
Deledrius wrote:Those are pretty cool, but I don't see how those blurry ones help you know which server you're launching! ;)

LOL... you spotted that! Well, sometimes discretion is the best part of valour! ;)

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:32 am
by Ainia
Shorah again Bob!

I won't have time to do much with your latest DI install suggestions until this weekend, so I'll post status here then. However, I did find (quite by accident) that there is a more moderate option for managing the restricted permissions issue.

If you have the Security and Privacy General Tab open when you run the DI bottle in Crossover, you will get popups there as well for the files the Catalina gatekeeper doesn't "like". The key difference is that in this location, you will also get an option to run it anyway. I did this twice for the DI shard bottle (for msvcp60.dll and Uru.exe), and the next time I ran the bottle, the bottle popups also included the option to run anyway. So you will always have to authenticate the files, but at least you can do so fairly simply once you authenticate from the Security and Privacy app.

It's worth noting that I still couldn't get past the DI login Account tab (it still didn't list my player). I'll probably start over with a fresh bottle this weekend and post here how it goes.

Re: other bottles, I've installed MOULa and Gehn successfully. They both play fairly well, with a tendency to stutter during movement (a form of lag, I assume). I haven't tested all the different ages yet, but so far have crashed out or gotten stuck in both MOULa and Gehn (stuck -> had to then kill the wine34on64-preloader process). In Gehn, I get stuck when trying to access Gahreesen or when trying to visit Vothol or Fenhir (I get stuck mid-link for Gahreesen; I get stuck immediately when Gehn tries to download the fan Age files). It's worth noting that in MOULa, the avatar headshot camera is broken (my photos are all eyes, teeth and weird hair). I fixed this using a cropped "real" screenshot (Cmd-Shift-3) and swapping it out with the jpg in Documents/Uru Live/Avatars. I have no idea if this is a MOULa issue or if it's specific to Crossover (however, the headshot works fine in Gehn).

112888 old.jpg
112888 old.jpg (35.54 KiB) Viewed 10015 times

I've installed a TOC MOULa bottle, however, their server seems to be thoroughly geborkened. I can run the bottle and get past their splash screen, but when it attempts to begin downloading files, it errors out immediately (Update Failed: kNetErrFileNotFound Data\dat\CustomAvatars_District_Cate.prp.gz). As their forums are down, there are no options for contacting the TOC team and their announcements are undated, I'm out of options for getting that puppy working.

I'll try adding bottles for your early Uru treasures this weekend (assuming I have time).

So lots of testing ahead for me. Not much different from the days when I made my own Wineskins. :-)

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:37 am
by boblishman
WHOOOAAA ...scary lady!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: That's one hell of a weird avvy, looks like something from The Walking Dead

OK. Looks like you'll be having fun playing around with stuff. If I can help in any way, just get back to me. Have fun!

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:43 am
by Ainia
Post Scriptum:

In my Launcher, all the bottles show as individual icons (not in a folder). The ones with generic icons are my old Wineskins (which no longer work). Not sure where the difference comes from between my Launcher and Bob's.

Screen Shot 1024x660 2020-01-14 at 11.36.49 AM.png
Screen Shot 1024x660 2020-01-14 at 11.36.49 AM.png (496.16 KiB) Viewed 10014 times

Re: Deep Island on Mac OS Catalina

PostPosted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:57 am
by boblishman
Do you have a folder in Launcher called "CrossOver (Other)" ?

Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 19.55.21.jpg
Screenshot 2020-01-14 at 19.55.21.jpg (24.85 KiB) Viewed 10013 times

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by "the bottle popups also included the option to run anyway"