Alabaster's Depths

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Alabaster's Depths

Postby Théodore » Sun Nov 01, 2020 3:05 pm

Hi Dulcamara,

As I've already told you when visiting together, I really like your newest age. Since yesterday though, I cannot no longer play it on Deep Island. I think Diafero should reset the age, it must be broken by too much tempering with by numerous explorers.

I'd suggest you to locked the age in Deep Island because we can jump and spawn everywhere and it can damage the age when too much of it is going on when numerous explorers are inside the age at the same time.

I have another reasonable request also. Maybe it is meant to be like this in Deep Island but I hope it could be fixed when the age will be released offline through the UAM Downloader; I'd like to set the age state fixed. I'm not sure of the proper naming but let me explain: each and every time I'm going out of the age whether intentionally or more lately unintentionally, the age state resets itself, every doors than were opened are now close, same with crystals (I know we had a discussion on those crystals and the reason behind when playing online). I do hope for the offline version, the age will keep his age state so we don't have to redo everything from scratch.

I finally managed to find the cloth #2 8-) Wow, marvellous spot to hide it! I know where the cloth #6 might be located. I'm struggling in that area because I have 5 codes out of 6 to open the door with the 6 buttons. I can figure out the last code needed because I already have found 5. The dooor won't still open. I'm talking about that door located behind a bunch of vegetation near the metal tunnel entrance pass the 6 crystal amphitheatre. Talking about that metal tunnel, I found out the 3 hidden rooms looking just like the Myst Island's spaceship power generator room ;) . One of them, unfortunately, doesn't show anything when activated. In the other 2 rooms, I see scarabs. I'm not sure if they are clues to open that dreadful door with 6 buttons. Since I cannot see one of the 3 screens, I'm sure of anything.

There's also another easter egg in the reddish village with the giant pool, one of the troglodyte houses just look eerily similar to the 2 connected rooms in Tomanah inside the Cleft in URU. I like those type of eerily looking easter eggs you spread throughout your ages, a homage to the official games.

Can you help me figure out how to reach the 6th cloth; it must be inside those tunnels I talked about in previous paragraphs?

Thank you!
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Korovev » Mon Nov 02, 2020 2:39 am

Have you tried resetting it with /!resetage ?
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Théodore » Mon Nov 02, 2020 10:25 am

The issue was that there were 3 other explorers in the age at the time I wrote my post yesterday. I think they were ghost explorers. I couldn't explore more than 2 minutes before being sent to my desktop.

And it doesn't solve the main issue of the age state. Usually, I have a general overview of an age real quick in my head. Alabaster's Depths is one complicated age. I'm still struggling remembering even a single path to a single cloth or a single crystal. If the doors that were once open are now close on my return (some of my returns are literally 1 minute later, so no one could have tempering with /resetage! in between), it becomes very difficult to even try finish the age or simply move around. Having a door close can means I have to work my way to open it for 15-20 minutes and hope nothing will send me to my desktop.

Anyway, I might just wait until the age is release offline and hope for the best!
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Dulcamara » Mon Nov 02, 2020 11:28 pm

Hello Theodore, I would like to give you better information, but I have to be brief because I have a stupid cold at the moment and cannot concentrate.
1. Yes, the age should be blocked, I agree with you. But I had asked Diafero to unlock the Age for me to start with so that I can test it faster. But even so I didn't have time to do it because as soon as the book was on the shelf it was difficult to test the Age alone. Unfortunately, there is no better solution for this, because Diafero can't make the Age invisible.
2. Yes, the doors will close again when you leave the Age.
This is due to the script, because unfortunately I didn't have a better one. But it is actually not a problem because you can reach all places without a door and if not you are right in front of a door that can be opened with a switch right next to it. It is the same with the crystals. But as already mentioned, each player should be able to find the crystal himself and write down the corresponding number. If the crystal stone is open, you don't know the number; if it is closed, you don't know the crystal.
Therefore, it only helps to note everything down and finally solve everything at once :-).

3. Clear the puzzle in the "Myst Generator" is one of the bugs I'm fixing right now. You can open all windows and close all doors there.
Usually you should have all the information you need by then.
The puzzle itself works, but there is a bug with the visible panels because i forgot to export.
It is not the beetles that are important, but what you see in the third window. When you have solved this puzzle, cloth 6 and 7 are child's play.
4. Yes, I also think that this age is more for 2-maximum 3 players who start together and do not hinder each other.
I also recommend the graphics settings to low and ant aliasing off, which I also wrote in the book as age information. (in the update for Diafero).
The Age will be released for offline play on UAM as soon as I have fixed the errors found (which may take some time because of my cold).

5. The door with the buttons can of course be opened with the clues, but if the decisive clue is missing, it will be difficult.
In addition, you need all the cloths first, otherwise you cannot do anything with these instructions.
6. Behind the said door it is unfortunately over for the time being because AlabastersDepths2 is not finished yet :-)

Now I've written more than I wanted :-)))

I hope this helps to get started.

Dulcamara :)
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Théodore » Tue Nov 03, 2020 3:12 pm

Now I've written more than I wanted :-)

Good, good! :lol:

I hope your cold goes away real fast, it is annoying when we get that. I think is because you spent too much time swimming in the waters of Alabaster's Depths, it must be bad for your health.

Seriously, I'm glad you gave some clues to tackle the "Myst Generator" puzzle. Knowing the screen that is blank is not important to solve it will help me greatly. I took note of all the clues so far but I forgot to draw a map of the age so I'm at lost for now. I will try to avoid the use of /spawn because I think it makes the age unstable (just my thought here). All of this will be possible if I can explore the age, if not, no problem, I will wait for the offline release!

Thank you!
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Korovev » Wed Nov 04, 2020 2:58 am

Spawning is unlikely to cause any problem, you can’t really ‘damage’ an age, especially without admin powers. You can always delete all the “AlabastersDepths___” files from the dat folder if you suspect corruption, but the server should be able to tell if there’s a mismatch.

I did notice an unusual stuttering and crashed a few times, so it would seem that something isn’t working correctly. I wonder if there’s any correlation with the crashes in some ages like Odema or Zephyr Cove.

Tip: anyone who crashes should log back in and quit in Relto, otherwise the avatar is likely to stay as a ghost in its last location, making impossible to reset that age.
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Théodore » Wed Nov 04, 2020 7:35 am

I think that was the case last Sunday. After talking with Philipgr inside the age yesterday evening, I realise there was only one ghost explorer, it was neither philipgr nor his play companion, it was that third explorer who prevent the three of us to play in the age.

Now everything is all good :D

I finally found the solution to the puzzle for the 6th cloth! @philipgr: what I said to you and the way I tried to solve it was not far from the actual solution. My first try was faulty like I said, I went for dinner, thought of it, return and it works! Good luck with that puzzle.

I found the 7th and last cloth also! You got to have humour. It is funny where it is located, especially after you learn it. You just wonder: "why oh why!" Next time, I will look towards the sky :lol: ;)

I found all 6 crystals. I tried to solved the crystal puzzle but unfortunately the game crashed as I was heading towards the 5th one, I only needed at most 5 more minutes to have all 6 crystals in place. Oh well! It will be for another day. Being the first age of a trilogy, so-to-speak, it leaves you wanting for more. I'm already waiting impatiently for the next installment: Alabaster's Depths 2
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Dulcamara » Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:51 am

Theodore wrote:
I found all 6 crystals. I tried to solved the crystal puzzle but unfortunately the game crashed as I was heading towards the 5th one, I only needed at most 5 more minutes to have all 6 crystals in place. Oh well! It will be for another day.

It is not important to see all 6 crystals at the same time. But of course it's nice to see, when they all come out of their hiding place. :lol: :lol:

All you have to do is know the color of the crystal and to know his Stone number. That's why they keep disappearing so that you can see both the number and the color.

You should have all six of the clues, or at least five. But if you have not the crucial hint you have no chance.
You should have pressed all of the towels to know why the buttons are where they are.

And yes, it is not easy to solve. I keep trying it over and over too. I have to keep thinking outside the box myself, until I finally have the solution. Yes, of course i know the solution :lol: :lol: :lol: . But i test myself again and again.
And I know that it works, because the beta testers found it out without my help. :-)

Theodore wrote:
Being the first age of a trilogy, so-to-speak, it leaves you wanting for more. I'm already waiting impatiently for the next installment: Alabaster's Depths 2

That's nice to hear and it encourages me to continue working on the second part as soon as possible.
One puzzle is ready the second one is already in my head :-)

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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Théodore » Wed Nov 04, 2020 5:51 pm


It seems I don't understand that puzzle at all. I found the missing 6th clue; I have all the clues which is a plus. I thought I had found the "crucial hint" but I'm not sure of it anymore. Is it in the place that we can go easily once we know the trick but otherwise we just think it is a shut door? If so, I don't get the hint since we cannot click on the crytals to "open them".
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Re: Alabaster's Depths

Postby Dulcamara » Wed Nov 04, 2020 11:13 pm

Hello Theodore,
nice to hear from you again.

In the zone where the mushrooms disappear when you turn around (I moved the Vis region in the following update) there are 6 buttons and a door to the left.
You should see something above the buttons when you press the hand who you see down in the puddle of water (only works after you have touched all the clothes).
If you have the chance to find them all before you get cicked out, because someone bothers you. But also here it is only important to notice what you see. It is not important to see it open the whole time.
So you have many time to solve the terrible math. :D Because the buttons work even without you seeing anything.

Everything else is puzzling and not really math only to think about, how can it be. If you don't know enough yet, I'll give you an example, which does not exist.

Show Spoiler

And now to the crucial hint. First think about whether you want to solve it yourself before you look. :lol:

Show Spoiler

I think after this math lesson :roll: :roll: you can solve it. Marthematics has never been my strength :lol: :lol: :lol:

But i hope you will don't disappointed, because as already mentioned it is over after this door and at the key on the wall. Because that is the link to the next chapter. And the key is not cklickable yet.

Greetings and hold on
Dulcamara :)
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