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Login problems

PostPosted: Sat Aug 21, 2021 10:12 am
by Dulcamara
Hello all

In the past I often had the problem that I only got to Deep Island the second time I log in.

Today I had the problem several times. The first time you get this error message.
Fehlerneu-1..jpg (11.32 KiB) Viewed 2590 times

I was also not able to get to Elodea or AlabastersDepths. When I did get to Elodea after several trys there were only two of us and still couldn't see each other. It doesn't matter whether we repeatedly log out and log in.
AlabastersDepths always ended for me (5x) with a stuck error although I have never had any problems there in the past. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Does somebody has any idea ?


Re: Login problems

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:13 am
by Jhon J. Jaguar
L'errore sembra essere rivolto a una incomprensione tra server e linguaggio dell'età. Ho notato la stessa cosa sulle mie età, anche se non c'è problema a collegarsi. Ho riscontrato che sul mio computer tutto andava bene, mente in Edereden, per esempio, la tastiera musicale non solo non faceva sentire alcuni suoni, ma che alcuni tasti davano un suono sbagliato da quello programmato. Non vorrei che ci sia un sovraccarico di informazioni e la cache del server non riesce più a gestirla. Ma per questo sarebbe meglio aspettare di sapere cosa può dire Diafero, che ne sa sicuramente di più al riguardo. L'altra opzione sarebbe di verificare che l'ID delle tue ere non sia uguale a quella di altre, ma non credo, dato che era stata gia visitabile prima. A meno che una età successiva alla tua abbia per errore il tuo stesso ID....
Sono solo ipotesi, ma forse vale la pena indagare.

Re: Login problems

PostPosted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:09 pm
by Théodore
John J. Jaguar, it would be nice if you put your Italian post in English, this is a direct translation from Google.

The error seems to be aimed at a misunderstanding between server and age language. I noticed the same thing about my ages, although there is no problem connecting. I found that on my computer everything was fine, mind in Edereden, for example, the musical keyboard not only did not hear some sounds, but that some keys gave a wrong sound from the one programmed. I don't want there to be an information overload and the server cache can't handle it anymore. But for this it would be better to wait to know what Diafero can say, who certainly knows more about it. The other option would be to verify that the ID of your age is not the same as that of others, but I don't think so, since it had already been visited before. Unless a later age than you has the same ID by mistake ....
These are only hypotheses, but perhaps it is worth investigating.

"mind" I don't know how to get a better translation of it
I translated "eras" into "age" which is more appropriate in the URU context.

Re: Login problems

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2021 12:04 pm
by Jhon J. Jaguar
HEHE, you're right. I have forgot it. Sorry :P