Deep Island is screwing with my PC (and my sanity!)

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Deep Island is screwing with my PC (and my sanity!)

Postby Caldoric » Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:32 am

So, just did an install of DI, and after logging back out to try and change the graphics level, I discovered that it had decided to rearrange literally everything on my desktop. I previously had everything just the way I wanted it, and now I'm going to have to spend around an hour rearranging things. Additionally, whilst I was in-game, I realized that DI doesn't seem to have the option to change the game's keybinds like other shards do, which is VERY VERY ANNOYING! As such, I'm stuck with the default up/down/left/right arrow key controls instead of being able to use WASD like a civilized gamer. I'm also not fond of the fact that DI seems to have the ability to force my Numlock into an "off" state. All of the above needs rectifying. I'm not sure I even want to continue with this shard if I'm going to have to rearrange my desktop every time I log in.
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Re: Deep Island is screwing with my PC (and my sanity!)

Postby Paradox » Sat Dec 09, 2023 2:16 pm

Deep Island is a different version of the engine than other shards, based on the original 2003 version of Uru (specifically 2004's Path of the Shell) rather than the newer 2006-era Myst Online engine. Differences are expected, in particular things like the graphics settings (resolution, etc.) need to be configured in the UruSetup application rather than using the in-game UI. Resolution changes might be responsible for some of the desktop rearranging that you've been seeing.

As for things needing rectifying, because this is an older version of the engine, there's no way to make changes to the behaviour.
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Re: Deep Island is screwing with my PC (and my sanity!)

Postby diafero » Sat Dec 23, 2023 7:06 am

If Windows rearranges your desktop when the resolution is changed and then changed back, I would kindly ask that you bring that issue up with Microsoft. That's really not on Uru.

Aside from that, as Paradox said, we have no way to change this game. It's old. At this point it's basically a retro game. Either you accept it the way it is or you'll have more fun playing other, more modern games -- the choice is yours, all we can do here is provide the game as-is, for those that still enjoy it. :)
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