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Postby Dhelayan » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:20 am

( i dont know if thats the right category to talk about that, if not, feel free to move the thread )


I want to talk about the Actions i did in here, and also in other Forums.
I did make many mistakes. Such as posting that we got Cyan's "Okay" on the Shard (i wont discuss that), banning various people, and also removing credits from various programs.
I know that this is the wrong way. In the last days, i thought about how i can recover the health of the Pelishard and also apologize to the people who were involved in this. I already took advice and added a Copyright notice onto every website, the forums, and also the Shard itself.
When we first started the Pelishard, we never wanted to make it public...But when we heard that Cyan isnt healthy this times, we wanted to give the Community a place where they can play URU together, and meet with their Friends. Of course there are other existing Shards, but theyre all Private. And if they don't want to make theirs public, thats okay! But, as diafero said, its an unspoken rule. This rule was made up shortly after UntilURU shut down. Anyway, i took actions in the Copyright issue.

Now to the People who were involved with the Problems of our Shard.
I treated you wrong. I thought your bug reportings on our forums were threads that said "your shard is a big piece of sh**..."..
But it wasnt..they were just saying "we have fun here, but you could do that better". The worse thing is, that i JUST recognized that.
I was so into the idea that they just want us to shut it down, or tell us that we cant do anything right..
So i want to apologize for all the People i treated wrong, like Jamey, Dustin and also diafero. Without diafero and Dustin, our Shard wouldnt even be there. diafero and others made Alcugs, which is the software our shard runs on. Without all his codings and efforts he puts into that, there wouldnt be any shards out there. And also Dustin. He made it possible to convert the Myst 5, Crowthistle, and MOUL Ages to play them in the Offline Game. I was such an moron. I have no idea what was going on with me. And because of all this Sh.. i did, and that happened, i want to do a Restart, with my Life, and also the Pelishard and the community. I realized, that only if the community works together as one, we are able to bring URU back to live. We are one big Family. And i treated my Family like Sh.. (sorry for those swearings..)

So i wanted to say Sorry. Sorry that i did hurt you all. Sorry that i treated you all wrong. Sorry that i was such a moron.
I don't expect you to forgive me, because such a thing can't be forgiven.
ps: one more thing, Mystler, the Co-admin of the Pelishard, has nothing to do with all those things i did, so please don't blame him.

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Re: Sorry.

Postby Jamey » Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:44 am

Hey there Dhel,

I won't be holding a grudge against you, it uses too much energy. And I don't need that kind of stress on me.

It's hard to trust you right now as you can understand, but that doesn't mean I can't forgive you. ;)
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Re: Sorry.

Postby obiwan » Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:01 pm ... -all_music

the song is "human after all"

we're just human, we all do bad things .. the important is to recognize it...

and then its just computers !! lets have a drink outside everybody ! (water of course :) )
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Re: Sorry.

Postby Whilyam » Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:24 pm

Lakewater :P
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Re: Sorry.

Postby Karkadann » Tue Aug 04, 2009 5:20 pm

The Optimist see's the glass half full, The Pessimist see's the glass half empty.
Its the Realist who see's the glass is half full with air, half full with water
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