Maroonroon wrote:- For the fullscreen FlyBy video, after the link, it isn't a video but a camera animation made in Blender. (Which in the case of Myst V Ages, have been video captured to make the .bik files).
Yes. I found those in the files, so I just hacked together a script that runs those animations on link-in. You can reuse the script, although I noticed recently it randomly makes the avatar invisible or fails to cut the camera transition to the avatar after the animation.
Maroonroon wrote:- It's the xSimpleJournal/BahroStone scripts that are to use for a book placed opened somewhere in an Age; the file can be named "anything.bik" (256x256 px and without alpha margin); if this file is not found, the panel is white but the book can be used).
Sounds correct. This script doesn't have a fallback for when the video file doesn't exist though, as you've seen.
Maroonroon wrote:- When we look at the book, the Offline KI looks for "age.bik" (512x256 px and with alpha margin); if "age.bik" is not found, the Offline KI uses the ".jpg" image.
In the Relto library only - that sounds correct. It seems another option is agename_spawnpoint.bik.
Maroonroon wrote:Can you explain me:
1) How to set the model's panel in Blender?
2) How to set the .bik file in Blender (or in a script)?
For the world model - as far as I know Korman doesn't support it yet.
For the Relto bookshelf: it will automatically pick up agename.bik (or agename_spawnpoint.bik) if it exists in the AVI folder.
For the GUI: usually you just set the "linkPanel" property of to your video file name (including ".bik" - you don't need to specify the "avi" folder name though).
Now that I think about it though, I would advise against using animated linking panels in Fan Ages, since they can cause crashes on some computers. Inevitably some people will not be aware of the issue and wonder why their game is always crashing. Deleting the video file is a workaround, but many people won't be aware of it, and xSimpleLinkingBook doesn't have a fallback to display a static image... It gets even more complicated since (as far as I know) Shards like Deep Island have to either enforce the presence of that file, or not release it at all

So yeah, if we want to avoid crashing people's computer, we should probably avoid animated linking panels altogether, unfortunately

Chacal wrote:Anytime I try any version of Drizzle, I get this error.
I'm afraid I don't know

If it happens to all versions of Drizzle you try to run, then it's probably something with your Java version. Maybe try to reinstall it. (Java 8 is the correct version as far as I know.)