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Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 2:58 pm
by Szark
I have just been reading this whole thread and I realised that I used Drizzle 4 and I see that there is a version 5 link here. I then saw this
GPNMilano wrote:I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned this:

With converting the MOUL ages the ages are now fully playable, ladders and regions all work. Minkata and the pods, both "puzzles" can be finished completely, and will link you to the LiveBahroCaves.

Just thought I'd mention it.

My questions are, should I have used version 5 to get the above functions? Or do I need the SDL and Python files that I cannot get? :D
Take care

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:56 pm
by Jamey
andylegate wrote:Yah, that would be a good place for them, hehe. I just put them on that stand for now.

I was able to do this by:

Importing Myst into Blender (that took some work let me tell you, I had to go in and delete things with PRPExplorer that the importing got every upset about:

ActivatorConditionalObject 's

Many, MANY animations,

ANY Drag region

TONS of Proxy's

:shaking my head: I really , REALLY wish I could just have it IGNORE what it doesn't understand and skip it. All I needed was the physical objects themselves to be used as a reference, so I know here things are to add stuff in Blender:

Myst In Blender Show Spoiler

Once there, I can move things out of the way (like the roof of the library) and put in my own objects, making sure they are all on their unique, own page, click regions, etc. This makes sure that upon export, I've created a brand new spaking prp file for the Age.

Then it's just a matter of opening up the .age file itself in UruFun and add the prp Page, and save it. For things like the Books, I created a python file for it. And Tah-DAh! Linked in and it works just fine! :D

I fixed some of the sound files this way too.

However, I'm having a horrible time trying to import the other Ages, like Direbo, Noloben, Tahgira. I DID get the first ice cave in Tahgira to import, but only after going into that prp file and deleting ALL the dummy's for the ice that cracks open, Crack Region, all sorts of things that Importing whines about (instead of just SKIPPING, like I wish it would.)

Tahgira Ice Cave Show Spoiler

Oh, and be take a LOT of time to use PRPExplorer to delete these things. You can not select more than one things at a time to delete. So even if you have, oh let's say, All the click regions for all those windows for Esher's lab in Noloben to get rid of. There are MANY of them. But you can't select them all at once. Instead you have to: Right click on it, left click on delete, left click on "Ok" for each one.....your eyeballs will start to bleed after awhile of doing this....or'll get fatigued and accidently delete something you didn't mean too.

But it's worth it in the end......You can fix things, put in ladder regions where they need to go....put in a collider in places that are needed so you don't fall out of the Age.......


Do you plan on making any kinds of tutorials for how to put the Myst V ages into Blender? (I have no idea what I need to delete from the PRP files to make it work) I know you said to delete ActivatorConditionalObject 's, animations, Drag regions and Proxy's, but I can never tell which is which when I open up the PRP file in PRPExplorer.

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 3:52 am
by andylegate
It's kind of hard to make a tutorial doing it the way I did, as each Myst V age is funny in what you need to delete in the editor to make it finally import.

Also, I'm using a hacked version of plugin 1.3.1 to make it work too.

Also, you would need to run the uncompiled version of Drizzle in something like Netbeans so that you could:

1 keep the original sequence numbers
2 change things so that only the drawables get converted.

GPNMilano showed me how to do this stuff, and it ain't easy, hehe. :D

From what I heard the next version of the plugin, 2.0 will import the Myst V Ages, so you might want to wait for that.

In anycase, adding things is just like regular Age Creation, except you're putting the things you add on a seperate page, so that when you export, it makes it's own prp file (you don't want to try exporting the whole Age, as you'll break a lot of things). Then it's just a mater of adding that page to the .age file, and making Python / sdl files if you need them.

Keep an eye out over at the Maintainers forum. I'll see what I can do.

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:13 am
by ddb174
It looks like Fero has answered most of your questions, and GPNMilano and Andy have filled in the details!

I'll just answer the remaining two:
In Minkata the shadows look a bit odd sometimes and Negilahn looks quite different from Negilahn in MOUL (swamp is missing for example). I presume things like that are because Uru:CC uses an older DirectX version?

There's a particular kind of object that Uru:CC doesn't support, and that's what results in the incorrect looking swamp. PlDynamicCamMap, if my memory serves me.

The Watcher's Pub isn't working. I don't know why, because I just converted it like all the other Ages. The game crashes when I try to link to it.

I've never tried to convert that Age myself, so I'm not sure. The usual suspect is BoundInterfaces, though: use PrpExplorer to delete all the BoundInterface objects. Then rebuild the .sum file and try again.

And, of course, don't forget to have fun and not let yourself get frustrated!

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:14 pm
by Chacal
Anyone remembers that thing from MOUL? I sure don't.
thing in Relto Show Spoiler

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:30 pm
by Lontahv
That's the cleft pillar you get at the very beginning of MOUL. You never see it with the other pillars so I think that's why it looks odd.

Don't ya hate how you just get plopped on Relto in MOUL. :P They could at least have had a city book in the cleft to enable you to got "Alone Or Together".

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 1:00 am
by GPNMilano
Yes that would be the cleft pillar. You opened it up at the beginning of MOUL. After which time, once you went through the cleft and collected the relto page, that was where the relto book was, you could turn the pillars on and off. Switching between the four, and just the one.

Lontahv wrote:Don't ya hate how you just get plopped on Relto in MOUL. :P They could at least have had a city book in the cleft to enable you to got "Alone Or Together".

That bugged me as well. By placing you on Relto, it made the Cleft pretty much useless except to get the relto page for the pillars and calendar (and later the birds, though why didn't they just put that one in Minkata, since they're vultures, is beyond me.)

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:27 am
by Chacal
I had forgotten that part. For me, the game will always begin in the desert.
Enter the tree!

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:10 am
by Grogyan
One more thing about that, is that it was a favourite hiding place for markers in hydrants, meaning that you had to fwitch off that page to be able to pick up those 4 markers

Re: Descent MystV

PostPosted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:31 pm
by Tsar Hoikas
Lontahv wrote:That's the cleft pillar you get at the very beginning of MOUL. You never see it with the other pillars so I think that's why it looks odd.

I must be an oddball. Once I finished the first journey in MOUL, I turned off the bahro hydrants. I've never liked them, and the single pillar was always more elegant IMO.