- PlasmaShop
- PlasmaShop - IDE for Plasma-related files
- PrpShop - Advanced graphical PRP file editor
- VaultShop - Offline Vault Manager for Uru Prime and PotS (includes SDL and .sav file editing support!)
- Screenshots!
- libHSPlasma Tools
- PageConvert - Converts PRPs from one Plasma version to another (not completely supported)
- PlasmaCrypt - Encrypts and Decrypts files from Plasma engine formats: Xtea (Uru), XXtea (MOUL), AES (Myst 5)
- PlasmaSum - Update and view .SUM files
- prcc / prcdc - Compile and decompile XML source for PRPs or extracted PRP objects
- prpmod - Add/Delete/Extract individual objects from PRP files in either PRC or raw format
- prpgrep - Find objects within PRP files
- Prp2Obj - Convert a PRP or objects within a PRP to Wavefront .obj format (geometry and normals only -- no material information is converted)
- PrpPack - Extract, create or add objects from/to PRP files
- PyPack - Extract, create or add compiled python (pyc) files to python .pak files
- PyHSPlasma - A Python interface wrapper for libHSPlasma
- PyHSPlasma Scripts
- copyage - (Branan) copies an age and adjusts it with a new name and sequence prefix
- po2dds - Convert an extracted plMipmap to a .dds file
- prp-checkfiles - (Diafero) Checks a set of PRP files for libHSPlasma read/write errors
- prp-extractobject - (Diafero) Extracts a raw object from a PRP file
- prp-listobjects - (Diafero) Lists all the Scene Objects (or a specified type) in a PRP file
- sounddecompress/wxSoundDecompress - (Deledrius) Decompress a game's .ogg files properly for Plasma without depending on the Windows executables
- tracekey - Look for references to a key within a PRP file
- Prerequisites
- (For PyHSPlasma only) Python 2.7
- libHSPlasma Tools / PlasmaShop 3.0 Beta
- PlasmaShop 2.x (stable)
- PlasmaShop-2.2.6.zip (ver. 2.2.6)
Windows (Source)
- Prerequisites
- A C++ compiler:
- Visual Studio Community (make sure you install the Desktop development with C++ component)
- -or- MinGW-w64's GCC Toolchain
- -or- MSYS2 (use the package manager to install GCC and dependencies)
- CMake 2.8.9 or later
- string_theory
- zlib
- libjpeg-turbo
- libpng
- OpenSSL
- (Optional PhysX support) PhysX 2.6 SDK
- (For PlasmaShop only) Qt5 dev packages
- (For PyHSPlasma only) Python (2.6 and newer supported, including 3.x)
- A C++ compiler:
- libHSPlasma and libHSPlasma Tools
- PlasmaShop 3.0
Linux / Mac OSX86 (Source, supports both 32- and 64-bit)
- Prerequisites
- cmake (2.8.9 or later)
- string_theory
- dev packages for zlib, libpng, libjpeg-turbo and openssl
- (For PlasmaShop only) Qt5 dev packages (qt5-dev on many distros)
- (For PyHSPlasma only) Python (2.6 and newer supported, including 3.x)
- libHSPlasma and libHSPlasma Tools
- PlasmaShop 3.0