Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby diafero » Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:09 am

I'm simply used to git, I even use it locally for projects that don't have a public code repository - and for all SVN projects I contribute to (most notably Alcugs). Admittedly it took me some weeks to get used to it, but boy it IS simple and powerful, just like a unix tool has to be. So when I got the basic ideas, and how they simply work, I was really stunned. Linus did an amazing job there. So now I learned how to do branches, rebase, bisect and whatnot (I even dealt with remotes at one point, which was just great - it was so simple to get a patch from one local repository to another, amazing), and it all works consistently and predictable. I am sure I could do the same in Mercurial, but I would have to learn it again. It's like the endless flamewar about the best programming language (which is C++, of course) - it's all a matter of taste and what you are used to.

Granted, the patches I've written for libHSPlasma have been fairly small so far, and haven't really required the power that git gives me. It's entirely possible Mercurial won't irritate me too badly.
The same applies here, too. I also read that Mercurial's wiki is quite well-organized, so it should be feasible. The documentation shipped with the app was not as helpful as the one from git, though.
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby Mystler » Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:00 am

Ahh, thank you for the explanation. I am using Mercurial and git together and they seemed to be the same... Maybe because i didn't use/create branches so much. ;)
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby Zrax » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:10 am

Well, I've done a bit more research on the differences between git and hg, and it seems that the two indeed encompass pretty much the same feature set; it's just a matter of the workflow and syntax that differs. A lot of people seem to like git because a) it's faster (I can't argue this point, since native code will always have the opportunity to be faster than Python bytecode), and b) they have an easier time understanding the branching concepts... Personally, I find hg's lightweight branching easier to understand, since it's an automatic thing rather than an explicit one, but maybe that's just me coming from a non DVCS world to a DVCS one ;).

In any case, I plan to continue to use hg at least for now; and when we swtich to git at work (which will be soon I'm told), I'll get a really good opportunity to compare the two and see which one I end up liking better... If the syntax differences don't drive me crazy in the meanwhile, that is :P. FWIW, there is a tool for migrating hg to git if I decide to switch later, but hg's clean interface and design, good Windows integration (remember, I develop on multiple platforms), and branching concepts I can relate to definitely continue to hold my interest for now ;)

EDIT: Also, I do tend to agree with Mercurial's philosophy about editing history... Perhaps it can be useful, but it just seems so wrong and against what a VCS is good for... But that's just my opinion, of course ;)
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby diafero » Sat Sep 04, 2010 4:54 am

Any chance of an updated Windows build? Strange enough, PyPack on Windows seems to have different results than PyPack on Linux, though the file works fine in Uru and "drizzle -diffpaks" does not show any difference.
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby Zrax » Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:31 pm

Sorry about that, been kinda busy lately.

The Windows builds have now been updated with the latest trunk code for both libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop, and I also updated the info in the original post with some more current prereq. information.
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby tachzusamm » Wed Jul 20, 2011 5:02 pm

PlasmaShop (3.0 beta build 144) crashes when I try to view a PythonFileMod which has a ptAttribAnimation as parameter.

Kadish => District_kdshPillars.prp => [00A2] Python File Mod => cPythPillars => crash

Negilahn => District_Jungle.prp => [00A2] Python File Mod => cPythUrwinBird => :shock:

(Unfortunatelly especially those animations were what I was trying to learn from, e.g. how Cyan got them working.)

Any idea?
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby Chacal » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:28 pm

Extract the object to an xml file using prpmod.exe

Usage: prpmod filename.prp action [options]

add filename Insert an object (.po or .prc) into the PRP
del type:object Remove an object from the PRP
extract type:object Extract an object (.po) from the PRP

-o filename Specify the output file (extract mode)
--prc Do PRC decompilation (extract mode)
--help Display this help message and then exit

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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby D'Lanor » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:07 pm

Workaround: In PrpShop right-click and choose "Edit prc". That does not cause a crash.
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby Zrax » Thu Jul 21, 2011 12:21 am

The crash should be fixed now; please try with build 152.
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Re: Getting libHSPlasma and PlasmaShop

Postby tachzusamm » Thu Jul 21, 2011 2:02 am

Now, THAT was fast. WOW! Thanks a lot, Zrax; it's indeed fixed. 8-)

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