Offline KI

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Offline KI

Postby diafero » Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:52 am

(the old thread got quite long, so I created a new one)

Finally, I got version 2.6.4 of the Offline KI done which removes all remaining entries from my KI ToDo-List :)
Here are the changes to version 2.6.3:
* "/set fireworks" and "/set newyear" are now merged (fireworks depends on the banner to be shown)
* Added "/export" KI command (the code is by Zrax - thanks a lot!) which exports the currently selected KI element (marker missions, text notes and images are supported) to a file in the "export" directory which will be created in your Uru directory
* Added "/import" KI command (based on code by Zrax) to import files from the "import" directory of your Uru installation. This replaces the /importpics KI command. The format is the same as the files "/export" creates.
* Added "/copy" KI command which copies the chat output to the clipboard
* While having the focus in the chat line, use "Shift+Ctrl" to insert text from clipboard
* You now get a message when you finish a marker mission
* Worked around problem which occurred when linking while playing a marker mission
* The KI now doesn't allow you to link to Eder Tsogal if Uru is not set to English

You can download it using Drizzle UAM or from the Offline KI website.
I prefer e-mails to "diafero arcor de" (after adding the at and the dot) over PMs.

"Many people's horizon is a circle with a radius of zero. They call it their point of view."

Deep Island Shard | Offline KI
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Re: Offline KI

Postby ddb174 » Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:13 pm

I wrote a tiny guide for sending Marker Missions to people offline. (It's also on the Offline-KI wiki page)

Sharing Marker Missions

It's possible to make and share marker missions.

* After you've made the marker mission, view the marker mission in your KI and type "/export"

* This will put two files in the "export" folder in your Uru installation.

* Then send these two files to the recipient.

* They then put these files in the "import" folder in their Uru installation. Then they type "/import filename.mfold" with whatever filename that you sent them that ends in ".mfold". (It will say to backup your sav folder and type it again with a "yes" in there to confirm.) Then they must open the marker mission for editing and type "/import filename.mlist" with whatever filename that you sent them that ends in ".mlist". (Again, it will warn about backing up and to type it again with a "yes" in there to confirm.)

* They should then have the marker mission!

So there's some room for simplification, but it's still quite nice that it's possible!
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