Hex Isle

Announcements and discussion regarding any projects related to Cyan Worlds' Plasma Engine including (but not limited to) CyanWorlds.com Engine, Drizzle, OfflineKI, PyPRP, and libHSPlasma.

Hex Isle

Postby D'Lanor » Sun May 17, 2009 8:41 am

How much support for Hex Isle has been implemented into Drizzle?

I tried the manual conversion (the only one there is) which does not have any options other than picking folders. After conversion I only had one 43k file CatfishCanyon_District_Canyon.prp. Here is the log result with dupes removed.

Code: Select all
Suffix: Using forced sequence prefix 0x53
PrpFile: name=CatfishCanyon_Canyon.prp readversion=7 agename=CatfishCanyon pagename=Canyon pageid=83:34
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x60
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x6a
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x6c
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x6d
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x73
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x7e
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0x8c
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xac
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xb5
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xcd
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xd4
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xd5
Error: HexIsle isn't listed as having type: 0xda
Warning: TODO: make this check if the short is in range.
Warning: Using count, but this doesn't seem to be correct.
Error: Bytestream: java gunk: unable to create new instance.
Prp: Object was not the expected size. It was off by:-4
unhandled object type:unknown
Process All was successful!
Suffix: Writing 83:34
Error: Typeid: Compilation error(you shouldn't see this): unknown
Suffix: Writing 84:32
Resizing boxes in ODEPhysical...
Recompilated completed!
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Re: Hex Isle

Postby ddb174 » Sun May 17, 2009 10:21 am

The way it stores vertices has changed, and I did some of the new vertex decompression, but there wasn't so much motivation since the Ages are really just backdrops. Still, it would be a lot easier to do than, say, the Crowthistle Ages were. I suppose one could just add some collision surface over it all so you could run around and see the pies/pumpkins/whatever. I wonder how much of Plasma Miasma would convert over correctly :D

Edit: To explicity answer your question: it isn't supported right now and your errors are expected; that section was just used by me while working on it.
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