-changeprefix Drizzle error

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-changeprefix Drizzle error

Postby Sirius » Sat Jan 22, 2011 7:27 am

I want to change the age name and sequence prefix of a Age.

I used the -changeprefix command in the command line of Drizzle 29, and I put the file location in the first line, the output folder in the second, and the sequence prefix in the third.
It doesn't create any file, and I get this error:
Code: Select all
Done Processing All Objects.
CurPos: 0
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement write: prpobjects.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@17f1d52
Error: Unexpected error in GuiThread:
Console: stderr:shared.uncaughtexception: Mystobj doesn't implement write: prpobjects.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@17f1d52
Console: stderr:   at shared.m.throwUncaughtException(m.java:348)
Console: stderr:   at shared.mystobj.write(mystobj.java:55)
Console: stderr:   at shared.mystobj.compile(mystobj.java:50)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpObject.compile(PrpObject.java:443)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpController$plTMController.compile(PrpController.java:1765)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpObject.compile(PrpObject.java:443)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpTaggedObject.compile(PrpTaggedObject.java:73)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.plAGAnim$plMatrixControllerChannel.compile(plAGAnim.java:156)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpObject.compile(PrpObject.java:443)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpTaggedObject.compile(PrpTaggedObject.java:73)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.plAGAnim.compile(plAGAnim.java:101)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.plATCAnim.compile(plATCAnim.java:93)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpObject.compile(PrpObject.java:443)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.PrpRootObject.compile(PrpRootObject.java:171)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.prputils$Compiler.RecompilePrp(prputils.java:616)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.prpfile.saveAsBytes(prpfile.java:425)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.prpfile.saveAsBytes(prpfile.java:414)
Console: stderr:   at prpobjects.prpfile.saveAsFile(prpfile.java:401)
Console: stderr:   at auto.ChangeNameAndPrefix.ChangePrefix(ChangeNameAndPrefix.java:60)
Console: stderr:   at gui.CommandLine.HandleCommand(CommandLine.java:162)
Console: stderr:   at gui.CommandLine.HandleArguments(CommandLine.java:202)
Console: stderr:   at gui.Gui$183.run(Gui.java:5830)
Console: stderr:   at gui.ThreadedTasks$22.run(ThreadedTasks.java:167)
Console: stderr:   at shared.GuiThread$InvisibleThread.run(GuiThread.java:106)

I have the same problem when I use -changeagenameandprefix.

When I use an older versions of Drizzle (23), I get this:
Code: Select all
Done Processing All Objects.
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@dee353
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@110fc7d
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@1a63340
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@1d3b190
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@1d4f1a1
Error: Mystobj doesn't implement compile. uru.moulprp.PrpController$plSimpleRotController@7fc49e
Recompilated completed!

It creates a file. But when I try to link to the Age, Uru crashes with a stack dump...
Code: Select all
Exception type: Access violation
Call stack (14 levels):
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