Errors after login in Plasma

Announcements and discussion regarding any projects related to Cyan Worlds' Plasma Engine including (but not limited to) Engine, Drizzle, OfflineKI, PyPRP, and libHSPlasma.

Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Thu Jan 17, 2019 5:59 am


I'm hoping this is the right place for this topic ^-^
I'll try to explain my problem, please excuse my terrible english. :oops:

I'm trying to host my own Shard but I'm stuck with multiple errors. :cry:

So let's begin with the first Problem. I've compiled the dirtsand from H-uru's GitHub-Repo and the Plasma-Engine from H-uru's GitHub too.
I've set everything up the way it was explained on the but to test it first I did not use the keys and only copied the .age and .sdl-files to /opt/dirtsand/dirtsand/ages and ~/dirtsand/SDL
On the serverside there showed up no errors at all.

After that was done I've copied my Uru Live dir and the other files needed to C:\erster_versuch\ and linked the plClient.exe withe the "-LocalData" param and the "execute in: C:\erster_versuch\"

But every time I try to start it it shows up 3 error messages:

Error #1:
Code: Select all
Debug Assertion Failed!

Line: 199

Expression: Tried to play a movie that doesn't exist

Error #2
Code: Select all
Debug Assertion Failed!


Expression: Unknown client resource requested.

Error #3
Code: Select all
Debug Assertion Failed!

Line: 1555

Expression: nil source in plMipmap::CopyFrom()

I'm pressing "Ignore" and after the third error the Client crashes.
I'm not so into programming but my first guess is that I've done something wrong in the configuration. :cry:

My goal is to have a working external build of the client and a working server with encryption :D

I can provide all of my logs and files but I don't know which of them are important to you at the moment :?
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Thu Jan 17, 2019 7:31 pm

The crash is probably the result of a missing resource.dat file in the root of the client directory. The other error is a failure to play the "avi/CyanWorlds.webm" file. You're seeing all of these very detailed errors because you've built your client in "Debug" mode. That helps to find the source of crashes and other problems, but it will result in the game running relatively slowly. Also, anyone who doesn't have the development tools (like Visual Studio) installed may not be able to run your client. When you recompile in Release mode, things will get faster, and the "tried to play a movie that doesn't exist" error will go away.

Hope this helps and that your having fun :)
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:32 am

Tsar Hoikas wrote:The crash is probably the result of a missing resource.dat file in the root of the client directory. The other error is a failure to play the "avi/CyanWorlds.webm" file. You're seeing all of these very detailed errors because you've built your client in "Debug" mode.

I already have the resource.dat mentioned above in my root of the client but it's still crashing and the movie "avi\CyanWorlds.webm" is also present :/
I've used the development libraries bundle to build my client I guess I just have to start with a fresh source of Plasma and compile it again

I'm using the debug mode to post the error messages here when everything is working I'll use the external release :)

At least I know that the dirtsand server is working and I can connect with Mystlers client for Destiny
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Fri Jan 18, 2019 7:12 am


Thank you verry much :o

Finally I got my client working :) I just started from scretch an compiled everything from source agein

Now I'm stuck with the Files for the external Client. So I need to encrypt the Files and create manifests but how do I do that :/

And last but not least how do I get the Intros to work in "avi\"
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Fri Jan 18, 2019 2:04 pm

OK, so far I've come to that point where I've installed the libHSPlasma and downloaded the moul-utils I don't know where exactly I have to copy over the files that my external Client will need.
I've just copied the /opt/dirtsand/SDL and ./ages files and nothing else yet.
And when I am trying to run the I'll get the following output every single time :/

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 471, in <module>
  File "", line 438, in _find_dead_prps
    for item in os.listdir(os.path.join(source, "dat")):
OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/dirtsand/reference_build/dat'
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Sat Jan 19, 2019 8:29 pm

The directory you run on should be a copy of the client that you want your users to run. ;)
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:20 am

Ok, now it's working halfway through but the script stops working at the encryption part I think. The last view lines of output are:

Code: Select all
Generating AGE manifest for 'ErcanaCitySilo.age'...
Generating SECURE PRELOADER manifest...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 484, in <module>
  File "", line 412, in make_manifests
  File "", line 360, in _make_preloader_manifest
    _process_dir(items, src, dst, "SDL", "ClientPreload", {".sdl"}, True)
  File "", line 234, in _process_dir
    items[relpath] = _do_file(relpath, outdir)
  File "", line 153, in _do_file
    abspath, isTemp = _encrypt_file(abspath, plEncryptedStream.kEncDroid, _droid_key)
  File "", line 109, in _encrypt_file
TypeError: setKey expects a tuple of 4 ints
Speicherzugriffsfehler (Speicherabzug geschrieben)

So the script aborts at Line 109:

Code: Select all
Line 103 outfile = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), os.path.split(abspath)[1])
Line 104     with open(abspath, "rb") as infile:
Line 105         data = # largest is Python.pak at ~5mb...
Line 106         stream = plEncryptedStream()
Line 107, fmCreate, enc)
Line 108         if key is not None:
Line 109             stream.setKey(key)
Line 110         stream.write(data)
Line 111         stream.close()
Line 112     return (outfile, True)

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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby Tsar Hoikas » Mon Jan 21, 2019 12:43 pm

It looks like I never updated the script for an API change in libHSPlasma. I just fixed the issue, I think...
Tsar Hoikas
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:32 pm

Tsar Hoikas wrote:It looks like I never updated the script for an API change in libHSPlasma. I just fixed the issue, I think...

I tried it but I'm still getting the same error at exact the same line

Code: Select all
TypeError: setKey expects a tuple of 4 ints

I've also double checked the Lines 433 and 434 which changed and I definitely have the new version of the script
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Re: Errors after login in Plasma

Postby D3B453R » Wed Feb 06, 2019 5:08 pm

After a few days off I've tried it again and stuck on compiling the client. Well, time to post a Video on what I've done to eventually reproduce the following errors:

Video on YouTube

Error 1:
Code: Select all
error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'legacy_stdio_definitions.lib' C:\Users\maxim\Desktop\git\Plasma\build\Sources\Plasma\Apps\plUruLauncher\LINK plUruLauncher

Error 2:
Code: Select all
error LNK1181: cannot open input file '..\..\..\..\devlibs\lib.obj' C:\Users\maxim\Desktop\git\Plasma\build\Sources\Plasma\Apps\plCrashHandler\LINK plCrashHandler

Error 3:
Code: Select all
error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'legacy_stdio_definitions.lib' C:\Users\maxim\Desktop\git\Plasma\build\Sources\Plasma\Apps\plClient\LINK plClient
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