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Re: Help Needed with Building Plasma Client/ Server...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 9:15 am
by lizzie_tsai
Tsar Hoikas wrote:Hmmm... I know there were some differences between the MagiQuest and MOUL data formats, but I think that bit could work with some tinkering. What is more challenging is that we will also need the MagiQuest python scripts, which were a bit more difficult to obtain. I don't have any MagiQuest files from later than the beta phase (yikes), let alone the python files. :| Do any of your discord friends have an idea for how to source those?

Well, that is very fortuitous... because the person on the discord I mentioned earlier (a Mr. Sinkiller) is interested in versions of the ages from the beta. Here's the direct quote from the Reddit post:

"The server side Python scripts that control the functionality of the game have also been preserved. I am interested in older versions of the ages, particularity those from the beta, I lost my older revisions."

Perhaps, if we can't find any way to source them, maybe you could message him somehow, say you have the beta files, and if that goes well, inquire about the Python scripts?

Just do me a favor if you do that: keep my involvement in the project out of it, please. We had an argument on the Discord because I was a novice and I didn't really know what I was doing. I don't think he'd give them to us if I knew I had anything to do with this.