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UAM Relto pages not shown

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2022 4:19 am
by Norfren
Did someone come across with the following glitch in the offline CC Uru?

In case of one of my avatars the objects of the fan made relto pages (cones, Tardis, etc) disappeared, the objects do not show up in the island. The corresponding pages themselves are in the Relto book and are turned on.

- All necessary files are present in the dat and img/uamrelto folders (Personal_District_UamPage-***.prp etc).
- Using another avie everything is OK, everything can be seen.
- So I thought that the avie's data files in the sav folder became somehow corrupted and therefore I replaced all of its files from my older laptop (where all of the UAM relto pages work OK!) to the current one. The same symptom: the objects do not appear.


Re: UAM Relto pages not shown

PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2022 9:09 am
by Norfren
Solved - an odd glitch. This bug strikes only in1920x1080 resolution mode. When changing back to 1680x1050 etc modes, all Relto pages behave normally.