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Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 8:19 am
by hhhenry
Kadish Tolsa: Hoping on boxes at the end, second hop, dropped down, started waving arms as if falling a it linked back to Relto.
Eder Kemo - Decorations page progress: I can make the first jump. The second jump always comes up short.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 10:36 am
by Acorn
hhhenry wrote:OK, restarting the game fixed the basket problem
But now, I've got a new one. Every time I change clothes and click Explore Uru, I fly down to Relto from above, then through, then the screen goes mud color. I have to EndTask

Glad the restart fixed the baskets.

Flying down from above Relto: yes, I've reported this too. One solution is, once you have initially dressed your avvie, save the outfit using /saveclothing [name] then you can dress your avvie back in your preferred gear as soon as you have picked up a new clothing item, using /loadclothing [name] , without needing to go into the wardrobe at all.

Once you are in the grey nothingness, though, you don't have to "EndTask", because your Relto book is still accessible if you put your cursor into the normal position. Use it to Relto out, as normal.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:54 am
by hhhenry
Thanks! You've solved two problems, Any hints on how to get that darn decoration page???
Also, I dress my Avie for success so if I'm wading through water, no shoes. Swimming, stripped down (they should have a swim suit), climbing rusty ladders, gloves, etc

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 2:48 pm
by Acorn
hhhenry wrote:Thanks! You've solved two problems

Happy to help :)

hhhenry wrote:Any hints on how to get that darn decoration page???

Maybe I can make it three - I was once taught by a famous skydiver no longer in the game, Annabelle, that if you keep your space bar held down until you have finished the jump, you gain a wee bit in distance. I haven't had any trouble with the leap, but maybe it's this technique that is saving me. Give it a try!

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:39 pm
by hhhenry
Decoration page: Nope, I was already holding down the space bar. The second jump comes up way short.
Lack of brush in the Cleft: Applies to the rainy cleft too and I went back and visually compared with another shard. Those bushes are gone in Gehn28
Descent: It's much harder to get there at the end of Toktah Ally without falling off. It took me three tries and you can't just walk there. Needs a jump.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 11:53 pm
by Acorn
hhhenry wrote:Decoration page: Nope, I was already holding down the space bar. The second jump comes up way short.

sorry, I'm out of ideas. I haven't had a problem here.

hhhenry wrote:Descent: It's much harder to get there at the end of Toktah Ally without falling off. It took me three tries and you can't just walk there. Needs a jump.

I agree, I have fallen off the end of Tokotah, these new Physics take a bit of getting used to :lol: I need to stop running and walk a lot more often than I used to.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:05 am
by hhhenry
Minkata: All the tree stumps are gone. The caves and outlying bones remain. Could this be related to all the bushes that are gone in the Cleft?

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:37 am
by hhhenry
Annoy: No special sound when rotating spheres. Second sphere physics: Many tries to jump to highest nim tree. Third sphere - one fail to leave sphere. Went back to Relto, came back and second time it worked.
Also, leaving Relto clothes locker no longer results in fly down problem.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 10:11 am
by hhhenry
Ercana: Weed killer again - all the bushes are gone.
At the end, after moving the rock that blocks the passage, moving past the rock - started waving hands and jumped to Relto.

Re: Gehn.28 Live

PostPosted: Sat Apr 17, 2021 11:27 am
by Acorn
hhhenry wrote:Minkata: All the tree stumps are gone. The caves and outlying bones remain. Could this be related to all the bushes that are gone in the Cleft?

You're right, the avvie runs up and over them but they're invisible. It makes the Kiva easier to see!