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Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 11:26 am
by Gorobay
Justintime9 wrote:O, and It just dawned on me that having the colored telescopes to open the door would be too much like the myst III puzzle to get to Voltake. perhaps we could change it a bit

I thought of that, too. It is different though: my puzzle shines colored lights at one receiver. J'nanin's shines white light at many receivers in an order. But if anyone thinks of an improvement, that's good too.

ChaosSong wrote:Maybe Justin was adopted by the tribe; perhaps instead of being a Ghen-like god to them he approached them more as equals and came to love them. Maybe they died out or maybe he helped them escape... I think killing them explans better why Justin gaurds their remains. Maybe the locked chamber is a tomb. Maybe this idea is too dark, heh.

I thought the original plan was that Justin found the island deserted, and the vault was built by the natives to hide from their enemies. I don't think he should kill anyone, because that is not nice. And won't the age be released soon after it is written (IC)? People would wonder why the natives all died in a few months. I think that idea is a bit dark.

Maybe instead of puzzles at the lightning rods there could be gadgets (not so much solved as played with) activated when the rod is struck, at the high point a telescope to observe the island, somewhere a barometer to indicate when the next storm is coming. Perhaps we could have a gadget contest and pick the best ones.

Good idea. When I said more puzzles, I meant more things to do. Playing with gadgets is fun. Here's a gadget idea: when the swamp rod is charged, the fence door is powered, so a person can get into the swamp by opening the door. Before it is powered, the door is locked.

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:41 pm
by ChaosSong
Gorobay: I was thinking more of a plauge, than a bloody massacre. Justin certanlly would not have killed them deliberately, but perhaps, he brought a virus or two over that they couldn't resist (just like what happened to the Native Americans). Also, the IC timeline thing doesn't bother me much, for all we know, the IC Justin has already finished the Yinfara linking book and is exploring it for the first time as we speak (type). Take it or leave it, the idea is to discuss several possiblities before making decisions.

Justintime9 wrote:at this point there are two different ideas. 1st, is that I built the vault to protect artifacts. 2nd, is that teh natives built the vault as a home, and safety agenst their enemies.

Admitedly, this a mutant 3rd option, submitted to turn your gears.

I think what it should come down to, Justin, is "Do you want to write a journal for this age?" If the answer is yes, then start writing it from the beginning and see what happens, don't be afraid to improvise or go off on a tangent - creating is hard, editing is easy. If the answer is "no" then you should kind of imply #2 but never really come out and say what anything is or why it's here

Another gadget idea: a lever that opens a causeway and drains the swamp, if anyone feels particullary ambitious maybe we could get some slimy fauna retreating back into the water.

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 5:47 pm
by Gorobay
ChaosSong wrote:Another gadget idea: a lever that opens a causeway and drains the swamp, if anyone feels particullary ambitious maybe we could get some slimy fauna retreating back into the water.

Interesting. Do you have an idea why the natives would have done that? I think it would be better if everything had a purpose. Maybe the natives went hunting there and needed to drain it to walk around safely. Then there would have to be a reflooding gadget, so as not to destroy the ecosystem.

A plague is better than a genocide, but I still would rather not have something so morbid. Still, it's Justin's call.

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 8:05 pm
by Justintime9
ok, do you guys like my Idea about the vault built by natives to keep safe agenst their enemies, and keep cool from the hot climate, and the beautiful watchtower to watch for their tribe/enemies? if so, we'll go with that.
and, I will write a journal if it would help, I was thinking of writing it when we were actually building the age, but perhaps doing it now would help us go in the right direction :D

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:39 am
by Gorobay
I like that idea. Remember that you might have to rewrite some of your journal depending on what gadgets or puzzles are added.

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 12:34 pm
by Justintime9
ok :D

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:02 pm
by Gorobay
What's going on? Why did everything stop?

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:03 pm
by Chacal

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:04 pm
by Justintime9
lol u posted right when i was gonna post. well, I was wondering that too... but I think it's cuz they're waiting for me to post the journal. and... luckily, the reason i was gonna post, is that exact reason :D so withough further ado, the Yinfara journal;
Code: Select all

   As I linked in, the hut in which I had writen into this age slowly came into veiw. I'm glad to see that my attempt at writing, and countless hours of practice, and failier have paid off. I now stand in my first age. Only time will tell if I have been successful. The guild of maintainers had insisted that they inspect the age first, but I didn't like the idea of letting them march all over my age.


   This is spectacular! although it is completely different, this age somehow reminds me of Myst island... the desolate beauty of it all. The sky is gorgeous, and seems to change color ever so often. The link in hut is aparently made out of the trees that fill much of this age. I have yet to see annother person, and the thought that someone is going to jump out at me with a spear and army of savages is deeply unsettling. It seems like there should be people here, there's obviously structures, but as far as people, there are none.    

   As I was walking through the forest today, I found the most delightful little pond. a small waterfall nerby, reminds me of my relto mounain. It is a great releif from the burning humid air. There seems to be a door hidden on the waterfall wall... when I kick it, it won't budge... could this be where the people are hiding? I'll have to examine it more... there seems to be a sort of... combination on the door, as well as a bar... that looks similar to the light generator power in the Stoneship age. Could this require some source of power? The symbols on the door look similar to letters... the letters YINFARA... perhaps this would be an appropriate name for this plesant age.

   The Number of structures here are more than I expected... Yinfara was definitly inhabited by someone at sometime... what has become of them is a mystery to me. From what I have observed, the people were not simple savages as I had origionaly thought... they seem to have built some... electrical device, wires run throuought the age, to tall poles, and lead back to a sort of control pannel. Although I try and try, I can't seem to get the pannel to work. I'll have to investigate further.
   Something quite unexpected happened today... I was walking in the forest, and all of a sudden, the sky (which was a bright green at the time) seemed to intensify, and the sunlight shining through the trees seemed to filter through the thin leaves, casting an overwhelming aray of colors on the forest floor. I stood there with my mouth open for a moment, the feeling of the wind beginning to blow harder, and the leaves swayed in the wind. When all of a sudden there was a great crash! yahvo help me, I almost had a heart attack! and then, rain began to pour down on my head, and I almost laughed! the cool refreshing water was a major releif from the intense heat. At that moment, I noticed something I hadn't noticed before... through the heavy rain, I saw a thin metal pole extruding from a tall building, made of multicolored glass. The reason I didn't see it before, is that trees surrounded it. Upon further inspection, I realized that the "stem" of the building (for that's the best word I can use to describe it, for the thinner green tree bark, gave the tower the impression that it were a tree, with glass panes that blended in with the multicolored leaves around it) had no door, or entrance, and I can't for the life of me figure out how the heek these people got in!
   After many days of camping out in Yinfara, It has become apparent to me that the storms here are much more frequent than Earth storms, and shorter. Most storms only last for about 20-30 minutes, and it usually take about 35 minutes, until the next storm comes. I've been sleeping on the hard wooden floor of the link in hut for the last few days, and finally, after a sore hip, I've decided to install some carpet in the hut (I know it seems a bit odd, but it was already a fairly cozy room, and it would serve nicely to add to the decor, and it would be the perfect place to hang out durring storms) It wouldn't hurt to add an easy chair or two either.

   Today I made a startling discover, after wandering in the forest for most of my days, here, I finally found a beach! it's a very pleasant place, and to one side is a glass hut, similar to the "Yinfara tree tower" (as I like to call it) in the glass aspect, but there is no stem, and the inside is gorgeous.. with a strange white carpet with a black symbol in the middle. The light shines through the panes, and reinforces cirtain parts of the carpet symbol to reveal a symbol, depending on what color the sky is at the time. I have yet to figure out what it's purpost is.
   Today I explored the swamp. It was very dirty, the water (if you would even call it that) is muddy and absolutely filthy. As with the other areas on the island, there is one of those curious poles, right in the middle of the water. I can't imagine how the natives expected someone to swim in that disgusting water, but I'm sure they figured something out. It seems that I've explored the whole island now, and only time will tell what other wonders I may uncover. I hope to analize the various artifacts here in detail, once I've finished exploring.

Re: A Slight Storyline, and puzzles

PostPosted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 2:35 pm
by Gorobay
Wow. That is awesome.

You made some typos, but that's not really important. You mention Stoneship and Myst Island like you had been there; if that's not what you meant could you make that clearer? When you mention seeing the word "Yinfara", you should have a picture of the "YI∩┝ΛΓΛ". I think you should add more dates, because the journal is at least meant to encompass two days. If you are going to go with my electric fence idea, you could add something like "Today I explored the swamp. ... The water looks dangerous. I should set up a fence."

This is a really cool start, but I think you should continue it, to describe the rest of your first explorations and the restoration, and the first visitors, and stuff like that. I also don't think you should give away too much about the island from the book. The way you have done so far is good: it gives enough description so people are intrigued, but enough so they are spoiled.