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Suggested Upgrade: GoW PyPRP 1.1.0

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:21 pm
by Kato
GoW PyPRP 1.1.0

The changes here are mostly texture related, but Add scripts work now. Remember to delete all files starting with "alc" and "uru" before installing the new files.

  • The buttons in the "Map Image" section of Blender's Texture buttons now work, applying the following properties:
    INTERPOL: Sets compression on/off.
    USEALPHA: Forces DXT5 compression. If it is turned off, it uses dxt1 compression (which has only on/off alpha), unless the image has an alpha channel (to comply with traditional behaviour).
    MIPMAP: Enables/disabled mipmap generation.
    GAUSS: Makes each mipmap level receive an additional BLUR after processing.
    FILTER: Each mipmap level has it's alpha multiplied by this number.
    CALCALPHA: Use the average of the images RGB values as alpha value, instead of the alpha channel (automatically forces DXT5/USEALPHA).
    CLIP: Layer flags (does not affect actual mipmap) are set to Clamp (no texture repetition).
  • All of blender's BLEND textures are now implemented for use as stencils. They are converted to 64x64 mipmaps, with a corresponding image.
  • Orco mapping is now nonfunctional and returns to UV.
  • Automatic generation (via the "Add" menu) of Generic Regions, Footstep Regions, and Panic Link Regions work now. Non-working options have been removed for now.
  • Robert's conversion wizards have been added.

Re: Suggested Upgrade: GoW PyPRP 1.1.0

PostPosted: Sat Jan 19, 2008 6:57 pm
by andylegate
I just linked this post over on the Maintainer's forum.......for people like Mustard Jeep to see and follow.

Thanks for all the hard work guys!!!

Now......where is that plugin that lets me just THINK of and Age and it happens? Soon? :D hehehehe