Concerning the Alcugs wiki

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Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby diafero » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:15 am

Almlys is pulling the plug on the Uru resources he is still hosting, by converting them into static archives that are only interesting for historical purposes. This is quite understandable, seeing he almost entirely left Uru before I even knew about it (so, before February 2007), and since his forum was hardly used and the wiki contained mostly obsolete information. If you still have any bookmarks around pointing to something at or, you should remove them and check where up-do-date information on that topic can be found.

Two (groups of) pages are noteworthy:
* The TPOTS sequence prefix management: For a long time, this management was duplicated in the Alcugs wiki and on Trylon's ULM server. Trylon recently pulled the plug of that database, and the wiki page was moved over to the GoW (which should make it quite easy for every age writer to get his age added, plus there are a *lot* of people around who could do that for someone). There might be other copies of the Alcugs list floating on the interwebs, but they will probably already be outdated, and multiple lists ensure chaos. So, POTS age writers, please use the list at ... e_Prefixes and *only* that list, to register a sequence prefix before you send your age to *anybody* (and this is to be taken literally, it includes testing versions).
* The Alcugs server: As the name suggests, the Alcugs site originally was mostly about the Alcugs server. For more than three years now, I am its only maintainer, and it is currently in "bug-fixing only" mode - but it is still a reliable foundation for a Shard, though future Shards should be based on CWE. In an case, you can find the current version of the source code, including all the documentation to set it up, at The wiki pages over at Alcugs are, again, outdated, so please do not use them for anything. If you got any problems with the server, feel free to post here at the GoW ("General Discussion" should be the best-suited section, but please feel free to correct me on that ;-) )

If you feel any information you used to get from the Alcugs site is missing now, and/or not available anywhere else, just tell us. We will ensure that, if it is important, it does not get lost :)
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby I.Brattin » Mon Nov 07, 2011 10:55 am

On Alcugs server. Isn't DI an Alcugs server? How will that affect DI?
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby diafero » Wed Nov 09, 2011 12:49 pm

Alcugs is (or better, was) two things:
* The Alcugs server software, that is used by DI and other Shards and currently maintained by me. It continues to be available at and continues to work just fine.
* The Alcugs (project) website, including forums and wiki. These were run by Almlys (the original author of Alcugs and PyPRP) and will be shut down or archived. This however should only have a minor impact, as the Alcugs server installations of course have no dependency on the Alcugs project website, the forums were hardly used, and the wiki was mostly obsolete (for notable exceptions see the original post).

Only those Alcugs Shard admins who wish to update their software to get the latest bugfixes (for the wall, for example) and who still have an old SVN checkout need to switch to using the git repository instead. Which is highly recommended, by the way. That repository also includes the full original SVN history, even from the old unet2 and unet3 versions of Alcugs, so nothing is lost in that regard.
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby diafero » Fri Nov 11, 2011 9:09 am

:lol: it's getting even more crazy, Dustin claims via UAM that Hoikas and me are trying to manipulate people. Supposedly it is much better to use his sequence prefix registration site which only he can edit (paired with a wiki with no registration possible), and which - even more important - can not be exported/read by anyone, so once his tool is in use, there is no way out.

This would be sad, if I really cared... ;-) . But this kind of behind-the-back accusation concerning noting concrete (after all, we don't want it to be verifiable, right?), and right in the public (and probably much more of that in personal contact with others, I don't know)... kind of makes it hard to take it serious, so I will not try to.
Feel free to think whatever you want, about this issue. However, before you tell other what kind of a bad person I am, I'd prefer if you checked the facts you base this on.

Yeah, this is not how I used to react to this kind of situation, but probably I just got tired of it, and mostly stopped caring. Have fun :D
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby Lontahv » Fri Nov 11, 2011 3:11 pm

Of course Dustin wants his tool to fill every aspect of age creation--he wants even more publicity. A group from the GoW maintains the PyPRP plugin. As far as I'm concerned, the sequence prefix database is more linked with age creation than the original guy who started some distribution software and doesn't even acknowledge the GoW as an organization.

Our list is more accessible and easier to use. If Dustin wants to update his own list, he can copy our list into his proprietary database.
'noff said.
Currently getting some ink on my hands over at the Guild Of Ink-Makers (PyPRP2).
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby diafero » Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:11 am

Dustin removed the offending messages from the UAM database. It's still in the comments though, and just in case he tries to rewrite that, let me cite it here:

Age authors can now use this simple form to get sequence prefixes: (There are some malicious people on some forum saying otherwise, but the people in question (mostly TsarHoikas and Diafero lately) have had a history of lying and manipulating others, including malware and hijacking. Please do be careful around them! )
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby I.Brattin » Sun Nov 13, 2011 9:28 am

diafero wrote:Dustin removed the offending messages from the UAM database. It's still in the comments though, and just in case he tries to rewrite that, let me cite it here:

Age authors can now use this simple form to get sequence prefixes: (There are some malicious people on some forum saying otherwise, but the people in question (mostly TsarHoikas and Diafero lately) have had a history of lying and manipulating others, including malware and hijacking. Please do be careful around them! )

You know I had respect for Dustin for what he has done for the community, with regards to UAM. But that respect is rapidly disappearing when he says stuff like this. I would like to know what kind of proof he has of what he says you two are doing.
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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby Calena » Sun Nov 13, 2011 10:52 am

I.Brattin wrote:You know I had respect for Dustin for what he has done for the community, with regards to UAM. But that respect is rapidly disappearing when he says stuff like this. I would like to know what kind of proof he has of what he says you two are doing.

I could say the same thing about diafero, but I won't. I don't like that he's making this thing so public and attempting to drag the entire community into the fray. I knew nothing about Dustin's poorly thought-out post until diafero made it a point to bring it to our attention.

Nevertheless, my respect for diafero hasn't lessened one iota. EVERYONE has bad days, gets defensive and upset when publicly accused, whether the accusations are true or not. Diafero, you don't need to defend yourself. Your public actions and contributions within the community speak for themselves. You've been an extremely valuable member and a friend to many here. I can say the same for Dustin.

IF (and that's a big IF, because I have no idea what people do or say when they aren't on this forum), there is a shred of truth in Dustin's accusations, then you and Hoikas are either the two dumbest people on this forum or you both have solid brass ones. This forum is populated by expert coders. If I were wanting to build malicious software, I sure as heck wouldn't do it in the place I am mostly likely to get caught at it. Especially since the payoff is non-existent as far as I can tell. What would be their motivation?

You know, it took me an awfully long time to learn to keep my mouth shut and not blurt out every thought in my head. If I hadn't learned that, I'd probably be rotting in jail somewhere right now. As someone much wiser than I once said, "If you can't say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all."
Ephesians 4:29 (English Standard Version)
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Let it go, please.
Galatians 2: 20-21

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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby dendwaler » Sun Nov 13, 2011 12:46 pm

For some unknown reasons, Dustin seems bittered.
That is sad, because it should not be necessary.
He is an awsome coder and hacker with an exceptional knowledge of URU, Plasma and all related to that .
He is/was a valuable member and one of those who is admired for his knowledge , and his intention to share this knowledge with everyone.
I miss him here on the forum because of this.
Besides that, he has an open mind and a good view on many aspects we are dealing with around here.
Every day his tool Drizzle is used by many of us, its a very much liked unvaluable piece of needed software ,
he should be able to get some appreciation in return , from this community for what he did during many years.
Without reward nobody survives on the long term.
Because there is no communication since he left, he does not longer receives rewarding.

I know, that those 2 sentences are not the most elegant way to express your thoughts when bittered.
But it tells more about how Dustin feels, then about the behaviour of Diafero or Hoikas.
Shame it came this far.

Nevertheless I won't be surprized when both (D & H) don't even know why and what goes on in Dustin's mind, nor do I.
They also think, to do the right things.

Let 's not happen the same story twice
(i am referring to the better days of the "clockwork orange" BBS)
.. and lets try to live together and accept all,
talented and less talented people, young and old, big and small, unpreduced and bittered ones.

I hope Dustin returns and can stay on good terms with Diafero and Hoikas, and with any other forum member.
It will be better for him end better for us, long as the end has not been written.
Those wonderfull Worlds are called " Ages" , because that is what it takes to build one.

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Re: Concerning the Alcugs wiki

Postby diafero » Sun Nov 13, 2011 1:19 pm

Just to make the intention clear: By citing him, I did not want to bring it up all over again - though this was unfortunately unavoidable. I merely wanted to avoid that Dustin could at some point claim that he had never written what he actually wrote. Also, it's not me dragging this to the public, Dustin made this appear on each and every Drizzle installation when UAM is loaded, as the "welcome" message.
I am afraid that quoting him will be perceived not the way I wanted, but did not know any other way.

Since he removed the remark from UAM, I do not plan to take any further action in that regard, or make any further comment. It's not worth it. Should you have questions or seek answers, please email me: diafero AT arcor DOT de.
I prefer e-mails to "diafero arcor de" (after adding the at and the dot) over PMs.

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