Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Branan » Fri Feb 11, 2011 6:36 pm

This is approximately Hoikas' proposal, but I've made it a bit more clearly defined than his post was. Hopefully this will be the last attempt we'll need on this thing. If anyone has any suggestions for amendments or language changes, state them clearly so we can have a good discussion on them, and I'll edit this post as needed for amendments that are generally agreed on.

The main change is moving forum responsibility (here called "internet-based systems") to the Technical councilor. Intra-guild relations is gone, and in its place is a Councilor of Human Relations.

Because I've assigned recruitment traves to the HR councilor, I've modified the last sentence of the Artistic Direction job description slightly, to make it clear that recruitment isn't part of his/her job description.

I've also gotten rid of a part of the shared responsibilities clause and replaced it with a disagreement of tasks clause... if people don't like that change it's easy enough to ditch. It's more explicit than the current setup there, which amounts to "play nice, kids".

Replace paragraphs 2 to 5 of the structure document with what I wrote:Councilor of Artistic Direction. This person would initiate, oversee, and seek to get approval of all guild projects for the GOW. An example would be the showcase age. This could be as simple as delegating work to Directors (see below), or taking the project manager role him/herself on important projects for the GOW. This person is also responsible for creating an environment within the GOW that is friendly to artists, authors, and musicians.

Councilor of Technical Direction. This person oversees and approves tools, plugins, services, internet-based systems, and any other technical needs of the GOW. This person will run all of the tool projects created within the GOW, and they will ultimately be in charge of any code the GOW recieves from Cyan.

Councilor of Human Relations. This person is responsible for all communications between the GOW and outside entities, including but not limited to Cyan and the general Uru community. This person will communicate any council plans for non-critical changes and experiments to the rest of the GoW. This person will be responsible for helping any GOW members who require assistance publicizing their GOW-related project(s). This person will oversee any guild recruitment drives. This person will assign any GOW liaisons to other Guilds, and be responsible for communicating with the liaisons from other Guilds.

Disagreement on tasks: In any situation where the councilors disagree which of them is responsible for a given task, a Guild Director will be appointed by majority vote of the councilors to manage that task.

Shared responsibilities: All councilors are responsible for initial proposal creation.
Last edited by Branan on Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Chacal » Fri Feb 11, 2011 10:38 pm

In paragraph 1, replace "roll" with "role".

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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Branan » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:03 pm

Chacal wrote:In paragraph 1, replace "roll" with "role".

Clearly I cannot trust OHB to be my editor >_>

EDIT: that section was copied from the existing document... I just double-check it. We've had "roll" since it was set up.
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Carl Palmner » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:04 pm

I like this one best, of the three I've seen (Hoikas, Chacal's first, and this one).

EDIT: I suddenly realized I should be giving actual reasons, rather than just saying "Yeah that one". I like this best because it (A) leaves the Artistic position pretty much untouched and (B) Defines the responsibilities of the PR councilor much better than previously, IMHO.

It seems to me that the primary interest here is in the redefining of the third Councilor--the "Human Relations" councilor, as this proposal has it. After all, that's the position that needs to be filled, as (to my understanding) both Hoikas and Lohntahv are active in filling the other roles.

I'd like to see Hoikas' opinion on this one, since he was the one who originally proposed making a change. If he also likes this one best, I'd really like to go ahead and vote on this ASAP, so we can immediately move on to nominations and election of a Councilor. Just my two cents :)
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Luna » Sat Feb 12, 2011 2:48 am

I think this is a very clear easy understandable proposal, not leaving any discussion points but at the same time not using complicated legal wording and it sort of combines the other proposals I have seen so far. I quite like it.
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Lontahv » Sat Feb 12, 2011 4:13 pm

I'm putting my support behind this proposal because it is the most refined version of the original idea. It spells everything out and really only changes what is needed for the establishment of a decent communications position.
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby ZURI » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:38 pm

I propose a vote.. :lol: There's only one path to take at this junction, but it has been thoroughly debated. I'm satisfied that OHB will take the initiative to represent all factions of the Guild. As this was my major concern, I will support the consolidated proposal.
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Chacal » Sat Feb 12, 2011 7:46 pm

Canada supports without comment.

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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby kaelisebonrai » Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:34 am

This one has my support, as well. =)
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Re: Structure Amendment Proposal take 3

Postby Branan » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:21 am

Since everyone who's commented seems to be at least tolerant of this version, I'm going to ask Hoikas or Lontahv to go ahead and make the poll as soon as the 4-day minimum debate has passed. That's about nine hours and fifteen minutes from now (18:36 US Pacific time, 02:36 UTC)
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