The story of Kehlehn--work in progress

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The story of Kehlehn--work in progress

Postby Zander » Sat Feb 16, 2008 8:06 am

Kehlehn wrote the Age I have called Stormcastle, and several other Ages to be found in the study there. He was a D'ni of no particular importance, though obviously of sufficient standing to have his own Age, and it does not seem as though he ever impacted on the major events of D'ni history. He did see Ti'ana at one point, and may even have spoken to her, though no record of the conversation survives. In all other respects he was completely nondescript, and his life was mostly spent as a recluse, for reasons that may become clear.

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Re: The story of Kehlehn--work in progress

Postby Zander » Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:20 am

I think I'm probably going to be developing this on its own website. I'm never going to get even Stormcastle modelled outside Vue, let alone the five satellite Ages. Too fiddly, at least on my own. So, if anyone's interested and has been holding off commenting because of the spoiler thing, you might want to watch the story unfold as and when I have time to address it on this page.
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Re: The story of Kehlehn--work in progress

Postby BAD » Sat Mar 01, 2008 4:11 pm

With all the things going on I forgot about this.

The idea is solid and I hope to see further development on it.

Unfortunately I have very limited time to work on anything......

I know sometimes it can appear that your ideas are being ignored, but the reality seems to be that so much is going on at once, some things will be back burnered in peoples minds.

I would take no responses as people simply are not available to devote time to the project.........yet.

As people finish other projects they know where they can go for new ideas. At that point your idea could be seen and work begins.

Also don't forget the old adage.... The squeaky wheel gets the oil..... ;)
BAD is as good as he gets
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