Core Experiment: Puzzles

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Re: Core Experiment: Puzzles

Postby J'Kla » Sat Nov 07, 2009 1:52 pm

I was going to mention the Generic age thing but I guess that's been dealt with by Atrion :)

Let me get this weekend over and I will put together a starter age for you. It won't be much but it will give you a basic world you can play with.
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Re: Core Experiment: Puzzles

Postby griffinps3 » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:06 pm

Hello again. Im am back with the second puzzle in the generator trillogy. I was trying to be funny... but anyway I ver mutch apologize for and jitteryness on this one because my pen screwed me up with detail again. I will best try to tell you what is were and where is what. :)


circle with dot - telescope
square with dot - bridge mechanism
half circle with dot - satellite
circle with core number in it ( these are the hardest to see so i will point them out for you on the map. They are considerably bigger than the circle with dot)
circle with three lines - junction ( used to direct satellite waves)

power paths

dotted line - any disconnected power transmissions ( including satellites )
strait dotted line - satellite transmissions
bold line - active power transmission

Generator locations

1- bottom left corner
2-a little to the right of the top left hand corner
3-around the left middle
4-top right hand corner
5-above the center island and under to the right of number 2
6-bottom right hand corner

First off the point of this puzzle is to hook up power to all of core's generators. Using the touch screen you can click the power transmissions to turn them on or off. Note you are generator one which is automatically connected with the telescope and the satellite. Once you hook up power to a generator on another island you must find a way to get to that island and continue from there on to the next generator. When you make it to generator 7 it is in Eurfin and there are no lite so one must find a lite source and stumble through the dark to turn on the last generator. Note you can tell what generators are on by the bar on the side with the numbers with the lite over them. If the light is on so is the generator. Again I am so sorry for any inconvenience and just pm me if there is something you don't understand.

Note ; squares are almost always smaller then the others and near an edge

Note to the Note ; smaller islands that eather need no power or are inaccessible are not on this map.

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Griffinps3 - Head Core Producer

" Once upon a time there was a lovely little sausage named Bauldrik and he lived happily ever after. The End. " - Blackadder
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Re: Core Experiment: Puzzles

Postby Atrion » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:28 pm

Just my opinion but larger quality images would make looking at your designs better
-Atrion Darnay-
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Re: Core Experiment: Puzzles

Postby J'Kla » Mon Nov 09, 2009 3:53 am

I think you would benefit from moving from pen/pencil medium to digital even by doing your drawings with something like Power point .f you cant get at those frankly expensive tools try looking at The Open Office package particularly Impress and Draw it's very like power point without any of the costs associated with the Microsoft products :)

These have a much shallower learning curve than Blender. ;)

Digital media means no camera and re use of drawings once created and color.

For the purposes of description while it may seem logical to draw the map with island shapes when it comes to diagrams think about the detail you need to show. A simple box with "Island01" is really as much detail as you actually need at this level of game design. Try to take out any detail not required at that level.

As an example there are 5 objects along the bottom of the drawing. Two circles two filled in squares and a bar an outline with a couple of words would tell us far more than the drawing. If the box is two small for a description then name it and add the description on an a document the only thing you must do if you follow this method is label the drawing and the document so that they are linked for example if this is drawing number 25 clearly mark it as this and call your documentation Notes for Drawing 25 If you zoom in on the detail of any drawing or documentation one level down would be 25.1 a second area would be 25.2 greater detail of this second area would be 25.2.1 and documentation of this detail would be Notes for Drawing 25.2.1 I used to keep my notes for a drawing on the back of each but that makes it difficult to read and look at the drawing simultaneously.

It is worth getting the hang of this documentation method or any other method for that matter any will do as long as you stick to one.

I have not just drawings but models of Enobmort but there's one large section that was designed free hand in Blender and here blender has become my documentation.
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Re: Core Experiment: Puzzles

Postby griffinps3 » Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:32 pm

The final generator puzzle has been finished! Here you must direct power from generator seven to the twelve facility's of Eurfin. To do so you must use three active power lines and send them through 9 breakers which split the power lines into two. Doing so will give you twelve active lines that you may manipulate at you wish to activate the facility's. If you want to know how to move the lines you must click on a pathway (square with line that directs path) and it will change the direction of the power line. Also in the lines are shatter points (black dots that cut off the power line). If an active line touches a shatter point it will reach a dead end and the shatter point will turn white. Once a shatter point is white you may click on it and reset the entire line. If you have any questions on the puzzle just send a pm or post and I will try to do my best. I have also updated my site again and there will possibly be updates for my dormant ages (ages i am not working on to create but building up concept and ideas on for future projects) Tesahno Rehm and IronWood.
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Griffinps3 - Head Core Producer

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