Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Jennifer_P » Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:18 pm

This is a totally pedantic point, but Earth's moon *is* dark grey! Really -- about the reflectivity of charcoal. It looks bright because it's in full sunlight. Our eyes perceive colors relatively...

I'd forgotten about the real color. Now that I recall, isn't it somewhat tan too?

2. I've wondered about that problem myself. Little path fences? Swampy terrain? Fallen logs? Dense brush? It's a toughy--although that path to the back of our Relto is blocked with the feeblest of pine trees. :P

3. Ahhh, that's a rooot. It has the little perfectly straight white mushroom growing on the tip right? Okay, carry on. I thought it was moss-covered gray rock. :D
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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Yali » Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:32 am

Ah! Back at last.

Great work Nad, I'm really impressed. 8-) Quick note though: my symbol should be in the center of the door. Oh, and there should be a tiny key hole under the doorknob. Other than that, I'm impressed beyond belief. The Age is really starting to have a real classic Myst/Riven feel, whilst being new and original in its own right (the shrooms have a lot to do with that), but that's what I'm aiming for - to recapture a bit of that Myst/Riven look and feel in Uru.

I love the doorknob. I think that's what gives it a Myst feel above everything else.

I noticed one shroom was floating in mid air, btw.

Back to class today, which means I'll probably get some Odema sketching done. :D

Oh, and for enhancements: the trees could be a lot taller (think alpine forest), the ground could probably benefit from some plant debris (although I always envisioned it being a kind of grey dust/gravel), more grass, and for the forest floor, basically, lots of plant debris (i.e. sticks, weeds, leaves, shrooms, moss) point is that it has to look impassable (think of any forest floor away from paths and if you went there, you'd get snagged on branches, step in mud, step on a chipmunk (or two) and probably get yelled at by ranger bob)

Oh, and Tweek, you're by far the best graphic artist in this community. Do you think you might want contribute to the project? A good texture artist would be welcome, and I've seen your textures. ;)
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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Justintime9 » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:59 pm

This age is AWESOME I love the concept of it always being night! and, I've always wanted a Forest age, and it looks even kewler with night and a forest :D it seems a cross between Kadish/teledahn. a few issues tho... Even tho the night Idea is brilliant, the sky texture is too repeated, and the mushroom hut thingie needs at least some texture... other than that, I love this age!!!!
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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Leonor » Sat Nov 17, 2007 7:51 pm

Wow! I'm impressed at your creativity. So much work put in the details.
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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Yali » Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:00 pm

Well, I'm back everyone. I'd like to get this project back up and running (in the end, perhaps we could have our own forum section :P ) However, I feel there is a need for more than just Nadnerb as the only modeler, as well as myself as the only artist.

I just wanted to let you all know that I'm still here, albeit now employed resulting in my free time being more limited. I'm going to start a thread to recruit and bring back some attention to Odema. I'll try to get some more art done soon.
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Re: Odema - Concept Art and Ideas

Postby Yali » Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:19 pm

It's been a while.

I'm still game for this project, and I'd like to have a few recruits. More so, I'm still quite fond of this Age and I think it should be pursued into completion. For that, I think we as a guild should put some effort into ramping it up. I'm pretty proud with what I've accomplished with Odema, but Nadnerb stole the show. He's the reason why it's worth the effort. Check out his screencaps of the Age to see why.

Here's what I need: Everything. Modelers, artists, and musicians. Artists and modelers especially. I dislike being the creative dictator, and thus I'd like to see what another can bring to the Age. We'll need modelers for obvious reasons. I only have Nad now.

I think this could be a great group effort.

So who's game?

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