Contingency plan Storyline

The art, story, and musical aspects of age creation live here!

Re: Contingency plan Storyline

Postby BladeLakem » Mon Feb 25, 2008 9:06 am

I think there are a lot of reasons to make an Age, story/setting being one of them. Creating puzzles, creating a place to socialize, playing with ideas, etc. are all perfectly valid reasons as well. I think, honestly, about 98% of all fan-made Ages will languish - it's just the nature of things. But it doesn't mean they shouldn't be made.

As for the story of how we got from there to here, I think Trylon's idea is best - it's simple yet effective. I might modify with something like "the Bahro have never seemed interested in the surface either, so it's only those places the D'ni used that seem unsafe". That way, people can build places on Earth of they want.

From there, I'm more interested in developing the 'default setting' of the Explorer Diaspora. I think it'll give people a good place to start off with if they need a structure, or to mine for examples and ideas if they decide to write their own.
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Re: Contingency plan Storyline

Postby Lontahv » Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:31 pm

The Bahro are the "unseen" we don't have to explain why they're here or they're not, because we just don't know. :)

And I was thinking about the reasons why we would go to D'Nay--and they would be the story of the people finding the website :) And then going there. :) I'm not how much story is needed for why people come. Remember CC? "They felt drawn here." :P

I think that we should have a library rather than a nexus. And this place would hold ALL of the public ages and this age would be public as well. And the only book that EVERYONE would need would be a library book. :) Then for there own ages they can have those on their "private age"(Relto-thing) and of course you would be-able to make instances, what if these instances are meaningful ie. you could look up in a big note-book who had what instance. Something like this;


Public book -- city library -r

Development copy -- unknown -rw

Lontahv's copy -- Lontahv's garden -r

If you wanted a copy of a book you'd have to ask for one. And it would be accounted for and if you got a "rw" book you could write your own stuff in. :) This would be "Controlled Instancing".

Currently getting some ink on my hands over at the Guild Of Ink-Makers (PyPRP2).
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