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A slaves tale

PostPosted: Fri May 16, 2008 4:50 pm
by robbieagray
A slaves tale

this story is a possible side story in springs of kehebet. this is a draft...

A slaves tale

Scara watched the Vaton with his bow. The huge rodent crewed away at a leaf not noticing the movement f the Haci hunter in the bushes.
The Haci had lived for centuries in this jungle age hunting animals for food and for sacrifices to the “old” gods. Then a traveler from another realm known as D’ni entered the world of the Haci. The traveler claimed to have created the Haci and their world and that they must please him and his fellow “gods.”
The “Old gods” were; Koubra the ancient serpent, Vamprum the blood god, Saba the god of animal life, Macrum the god of the afterlife, Naga the goddess of plantlife, and Savafa the creator of the Haci world.
On many occasions were bad luck came about the Haci tribes would attempt to kill the traveler. However the other tribes had started to believe the traveler to be an avatar of Savafa, the creator and therefore protected him from the opposing tribes.

As I stated before this is still in draft mode/ 8-)