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Idea for my first Age

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:35 am
by Simone
I'm new to the forums (but not new to Uru at all... been in the Cavern, with different names, since Prologue). I've just started learning Blender and PyPRP and, although they don't seem too complicated to use, there's a lot to read through! So, I had an idea for a small D'ni harvest Age, but before struggling with it for months I wanted to ask more experienced writers: is it possible to change the fog settings in an Age depending on an in-game trigger, e.g. my avatar pushes a button and the air becomes gradually more foggy?

Re: Idea for my first Age

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:33 am
by tachzusamm
Shorah, and welcome to the forums.

I don't know how this could be done with an actuator in the game, but in my humble opinion I would say it must be possible, because the Offline KI already has the ability to change the fog settings while you are in your age, by using the "fogcolor" and "fogdensity" commands.
Not sure though if alcscript really allows it, so don't take my words as the final response. ;)

Re: Idea for my first Age

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:47 am
by ddb174
Yes, it can be done with Python pretty easily. It's somthing like PtConsoleCommand("Graphics.Renderer.Fog.SetDefLinear 1 1000 1");

Where that string can be the same thing that would go in a .fni file.

Re: Idea for my first Age

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 1:40 pm
by diafero
Some Cyan ages, namely Payiferen and Minkata, already do that - the fog is changed depending on the time of day or your position in the age (no fog in the caves in Minkata, and the fog gets denser as you get farer away from the link-in point).

Re: Idea for my first Age

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:05 pm
by Simone
Wow thanks a lot to all for the warm welcome and the replies! They mean that I don't have to throw away my Age idea (yet)! I had noticed, for example, that even the color of the sand brought by the wind in Payiferen changed during the day (have you seen how beatifully red it is at dawn?), but I was not sure if it could be achieved by a humble n00b writer! :-)

Thanks again!

P.S. Just to give you some more detail, it should be a D'ni harvest Age, where a nasty fog tends to accumulate, with some effects on what lives in the Age...