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Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:08 pm
by Dreshanda
I thought of this while in tae kwondo one night...and we were sitting in the basement of the masters house because there was a tornado nearby... Anyway, I had this idea. What type of martial arts would the D'ni have had? Probably nothing for fighting, they didn't believe in violence after all. So all of the various patters that I need to do in my class...I figured that I could use a few of them, maybe make a few new animations to make it a little less boring, then voila! We have martial arts in D'ni :P However...there is a teeny problem that may arise from this...if somehow the animations need to be made to be used all over, then people would probably be using the patterns everywhere :( Some of them may be seen as violent, and I don't want that. I just simply want something pretty looking, and a few new animations.
Anyway, the whole idea is that this is kind of a branch off the age that I'm currently trying to work out: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3350 . Basically, a man is thinking about what would happen if he happened to die before his wife. So he creates a series of four ages that include his best interests, so that she won't feel lonely. So far I've only thought of the water garden age and this one. So in this age, he includes a white, billowy uniform, and various sticks with...pretty ribbons? Lol, I haven't quite thought it out all the way, but like I said, I want just something pretty...

Re: Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:28 pm
by KBQ
What about a D'ni type of kata? Or tai chi?

Re: Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 10:18 pm
by Wamduskasapa
I can see the Dni using Tai Chi Chuan, because of their philosophy of non violence The philosophy of Tai Chi Chuan is that if one uses any force to resist violent force, then both sides will be injured at least to some degree. Such injury, according to Tai Chi theory, is a natural consequence of meeting brute force with brute force. Instead, students are taught not to directly fight or resist an incoming force, but to balance yin with yang, in other-words meet it in softness and follow its motion while remaining in physical contact until the incoming force of attack exhausts itself or can be safely redirected, thus establishing and maintaining yang with yin.

This is an empirical law of physics. The law of conservation of energy states that the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time (is said to be conserved over time). A consequence of this law is that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it can only be transformed from one state to another

Re: Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 11:48 pm
by kaelisebonrai
Wamduskasapa wrote:I can see the Dni using Tai Chi Chuan, because of their philosophy of non violence<snip>

The d'ni were far from non-violent.

For example, King Ahlsendar, and King Shomat, the Judges of Yahvo, Death Books, Me'erta, many others. The d'ni were FAR from non-violent.

Re: Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:04 am
by Wamduskasapa
You forgot the enslavement, murder and total racial hatred of the Bahro, I was attempting a little sarcasm, The Dni remind me of a Country that preaches Religious Tolerance, Freedom and Equality but has a genocidal hatred and religious intolerance for the Indigenous population...

Re: Martial Arts in D'ni?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 8:49 pm
by Jadawin12
The D'ni were not all violent either, it seems that the average people particuarly in the Guild period seemed to be largely non violent (much like human culture) with the exceptions being mainly criminals and the corrupt elite. The D'ni are not one or the other the D'ni are many people over a thousand year period, certain period more violent, others less, some being pro Book worlder some being anti. Getting back on topic however I see no reason martial arts couldn't have developed (particuarly with the Maintainers) and that different styles wouldn't appear over different periods.