Story Quests - Do they count?

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Story Quests - Do they count?

Postby Jahmen » Thu Nov 18, 2010 3:49 pm

I recently released a Quest Series of Journal stories & Clue Quest games in MOUL,again based upon my originally written 2008 Story "PLanet Dragonia".
It's a much edited down version to fit a short story Quests limit I set of 112 marker text lines per story installment and play.
Anyway, I just though when it gets played and better known that the format for using Quest games to show case short stories might catch on as part of a Guild of Writers thing that might become interesting and fun thing to try.
For those that do become interested, what makes it all possible was I over came the KI marker edit screens limited inability to scroll.
So I figured out how to create a Hotkey on my Keyboard that allows me to fast scroll the Ki edit screen, so inserting marker sentence text is fast and easy now.
No more gazillion left mouse button clicks over and over again to create marker text entries.

The Quest Series is in Quest's Bevin and is an IC game setting that starts with a imager post from Quest & Simon Templer.
Simon Templer being the intial explorer to track down to get the first Quest game from of his Kadish Journal Quest.

:? NOTE: Some explores had thought the IC story was a real Cyan event for a coming Age and New Bevin content. IT IS NOT! :roll:
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Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:15 am

Re: Story Quests - I think they do!

Postby Jahmen » Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:27 am

OK WOW! I can't believe the last post date of:by Jahmen » Thu Nov 18, 2010 5:49 pm! Almost 9 months ago!
After the release of the first (3) three Clue Quests and (6) six Journal story installments I had decided to stop, since the concept for my Quest Series didn't seem to work as I had hoped within the Uru Cavern Community of explorer players.
While I had done some promotional announcements for the Quest Series, I had hoped word of mouth would come into play at some point.
The initial Launch of the Quest Series had it play as a real time interactive IC game initially whereby from Clue quests, explorers got instructions and then had to look, wait for and track down the assigned Avatar explorer to do the Q & A to get the Journal Quests and the next Clue Quest from. (A running series of avatars)
After the Series Quest ran for 6 weeks I stopped it and later changed it into a Ki PM run Game Series whereby, explorers were to Ki PM the appropriate Avatar to do the Q & A and receive the next Quests.
UPDATE: I recently decided to complete the Quest Series and finished editing down the original story text into marker size text lines for a total of 12 Jahmen's Journal Quest Stories with (2) two additional Clue Quests "ROCKS" and "City Lights".
Jahmen Journals 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been made with 11 and 12 planned out and ready to build.
"ROCKS" Quest has the markers down and half the clue text puzzles made.
Clue Quest "City Lights" has about half the markers down with the Clue Puzzle theme decided. (I had thought to Automate the Series with a OHB robot to man the Hood.) but explorer interest in the Quest Series wasn't enough to warrant the expense and work it would take. Perhaps if in time it becomes popular enough.
Biggest Problems; The Quest Series was made as a community or Hood driven event for explorers, but most explorers decided to take it on alone (Despite my WARNINGS!) as they were told it was designed to be hard enough for a pair, teams or groups of explorers to play.
All individual efforts to play it of course failed! NOTE: Only (1) explorer to date has made it to the "TREES" Clue Quest! that follows "Vault Secrets" which all other single explorers never got past.
Perhaps the other problem was the dynamic to the interactive play feature of the Quest Series that required explorers to participate in a Q & A (Questions and Answers) session from clue marker text data provided to them for it.
However my conclusion was most explorers prefer to socialize in MOUL or play the more solitary game content MOUL allows.
Multi-player MOUL activities seem rare in MOUL with those like Story nite themes to D'ni history lessons surviving.

UPDATE: I am endeavoring to complete the Quest Series of Journal Stories & Clue Quests, something I anticipate will take another 6 months to do.
Quest Story Journals take on average about 8 to 10 hours to plan out the marker routes and put down all the makers for the text. Then another 8 to 10 hours to type in all the marker story text.
Clue Quests take considerably longer to make because markers are set in more difficult locations, often across many Ages. Also, thinking up the actual clue puzzles and build them etc. . .
Note: It probably took me 60 + hours to convert the original story text into the more shot marker text lines to accommodate the Ki screen viewer limitations.
I learned about the Ki limitations from MOUL, last Quests I made, whereby explorers complained the marker text that appeared in chat play screen when they first got a marker, didn't all show up on their Ki Quest capture screen that lists the markers text as you acquire markers.
What was happening? Ki capture play back screen could only display what was typed into a Quest Marker within the screens display width, so beyond that all text was lost.
One solution was for explorers to use chatlog mode to capture marker text as they played and then copy past the text file into word pad or Word program to save for review or print out.
However, to save explorers from doing chat logs, I worked out the width dimension limitation for the Ki screen and kept the marker text lines within those limits.
This way explorers can play back and review marker text on their Ki screens and not lose any text. All of this adds to time it takes to get text to fit into markers correctly.
NOTE: A recent Skydiver explorer (Isobel) has quickly made it through to the TREES Clue Quest and has almost completed it!
It will be very interesting if she can do the "Jalak Gems" Clue Quest on her own as well. Impressive and Super Hero like!
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Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 3:15 am

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