Airbora Story

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Airbora Story

Postby Aaron47 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 8:38 am

In addition to being an artist, I do some writing, and noticing that my Age, Airbora, lacked that critical detail, I thought I might brainstorm here as to Airbora's origins....

Lets say Yeesha married.
Just as she wrote Relto for the new explorers, she wrote Airbora for her husband. A quiet man, he wanted a sanctuary, a place he could relax and write his own Ages.
Yeesha's husband was a skilled writer, capable of writing beautiful Ages, which is what brought he and Yeesha together.
The floating islands in the sky were the ultimate sanctuary, a concept learned from the Age of Serenia where certain rock formations levitated above the ground due to their magnetic properties.
Airbora, however, has no "ground" above which the islands can be levitated by magnetism. The exact properties of the islands are mysterious and their ability to float is unknown.
Harvesting certain trees on the floating islands, Yeesha's husband was able to build ladders, then bridges, and ultimately the dirigible with which he travels to distant islands that are otherwise unreachable.
Even after many days of travel, no direction seems to provide a sense of distance. There is no horizon. Only clouds and islands in every direction, yet they are all unique.

Any ideas?
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Re: Airbora Story

Postby zeke365 » Thu Oct 01, 2015 11:51 am

might go against some the rules here here a link of what you can and cannot write's_ ... or_Writing
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Re: Airbora Story

Postby Korovev » Fri Oct 02, 2015 4:05 am

Also, about floating rocks: The Flawed Science of Avatar. However, if you call it a magnetic-like property... ;)
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Re: Airbora Story

Postby Aaron47 » Fri Oct 02, 2015 10:07 am

Ah, I see. So Yeesha is off limits. No problem. I can come up with something else.

As for the floating rocks, they were in Myst 4 (Serenia), so that can't be debated. Even if magnetics are out, the Writing potential is there.

Thanks though for the feedback, I appreciate it.
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Re: Airbora Story

Postby Korovev » Fri Oct 02, 2015 12:31 pm

Oh, I’m not saying don’t do it, and I like the concept art (I would put railings around those islands, though :P ), just suggesting to avoid the over-used ‘magnetism’ idea; TVTropes as usual has lots of examples to draw inspiration from ;) .

Regarding Serenia, I have to say I mostly agree with this review.
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