A cry for help (and of frustration)

If you feel like you're up to the challenge of building your own Ages in Blender or 3ds Max, this is the place for you!

Re: A cry for help (and of frustration)

Postby andylegate » Sat May 03, 2008 5:46 am

Okay, back from sleeping.....

I'm going to lay it out this way, using one of my palm trees in Zephyr, as when I load your Age up, all my windows are zoomed in something bad.
Now, I'm just going to walk through what I do, not saying you don't know how to do this, but somethings that we think we know how to do sometimes change with each new plugin, or you might think you are doing it the same way, but we don't know since we are not standing over your shoulder, so bare with me.

As you can see in this pic, I have my the top palm tree mesh slected. the plane faces have been given a material, and most importantly a texture too. I noticed that many of your trees, you had not given them textures yet, just materials, but you had UV mapped them.

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Notice in the above pic, after giving it the texture of the palm image, I then clicked on the "usealpha" and the "alpha" buttons.

Now I go and UV Map the image to the planes. Once I have what I'm happy with, I then stay in the UV Face Select mode, and I click on the little Edit button. As you can see in the pic below, I have a tab that's not available unless you do it this way. There are 3 purple buttons: "opaque" "Add" and "Alpha"

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First, I just select one UV face, and then I click on the "Twosid" button, and then the "Alpha" button:

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Next, I then hit the A key to deselect everything, then hit it again to select All the faces. I then hit the button that says "Copy DrawMo". This copies what I did to the one UV face, too ALL the UV faces, and I end up with this:

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Now all those planes are two sided, and you can see the transparent properties on all of them.
Next, go back to Object mode, and back to your Materials.

I then click on ZTransp button in the Links and Pipline tab. Then in the box next to it, I change the number from 0 to 2......like in the pic below:

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And now here is how it looks after I delected it...not perfect, but then it renders much better in Uru:

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Now, I know when I'm looking at these things in Blender, when I move my screen around...many times the trees, or other things that have tranceparent properties don't look right: not transparent, or act like an X-Ray window to the mesh behind it, etc.....but I don't let that concern me, as of course Blender is not a WSIWYG as far as Plasma is concerned. I export the Age, and then look at it to see what is going on. Normally the tranparancies all look okay. I've had them mess up, but that was because I forgot to do the ZTransp thing in Materials, which if I remember right, you're telling to to render after the other things get rendered, the higher the number, the later it gets rendered.

Okay, if you are doing all this, exactly like I showed, but when you export and link in, you still have issues, then it's beyond my help. The only thing I can think of is for you to upgrade your plugin to the latest one (but if you do that, keep in mind you'll have to change your swim regions and sounds via the new tutorials on the Wiki, as the way you have it now they'll stop working).

I hope this helped in some way.
"I'm still trying to find the plKey for Crud!"
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Re: A cry for help (and of frustration)

Postby Kierra » Sat May 03, 2008 7:26 am

Hm, interesting...I will give this a shot later, thank you. I can see some differences in how you made yours than how I made mine, so maybe that is the issue.

Trylon, I will look for those files later tonight also, thank you.

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Re: A cry for help (and of frustration)

Postby melvin » Sat Oct 15, 2022 8:00 am

Greetings all. Sorry to resurrect this ancient thread but it contains a link to an old blend file for Kierra's Greenwood Cottage age. I have fixed the problems she was having with it & added a few new things. It has also been added to the prefix page as 1064 under Aerie.

Download the age from......
https://www.mediafire.com/file/gntvgl6q ... 2.zip/file

Download the updated Blend file from......
https://www.mediafire.com/file/3pzpmxua ... d.zip/file
Greenwood Cottage.jpg
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Re: A cry for help (and of frustration)

Postby melvin » Thu Mar 14, 2024 10:38 am

While creating a spinning mirror ball effect with a texture projected by a spot lamp, I got side tracked by using this to create shadows. You can see the result of my experiments by downloading this enhanced version of greenwood cottage. Other things to note are better rotation on some objects using Linear rather than Bazier animation. Also the use of fading objects; markers & light beams that appear as you get close to them. If you can't see the light beams make sure you have the Anisotropic filter slider turned on & moved up. There are also some animated crows flying about in the age & a task of finding nine markers to unlock a bubble revealing a linking book to Aerie. The new blend file is also available for download.
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Re: A cry for help (and of frustration)

Postby Charura » Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:24 pm

Gehn Shard avvies: charura 10827 chickopee 142711 cannon belle 144577 char gearz 149794 teri dactyl 153077
Moul(a) Charura 55400 Chickopee 20089892 Cannon Belle 13686512 Char Gearz 706359 Teri Dactyl 12658065
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