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Nilodnam Gallery

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:44 am
by J'Kla
Some of you will have visited my Nilodnam Gallery Space.

I am currently putting a lot of work in to make it easier to add new age images and preparing it so that when we get ladders in Korman I can make this a MOSS compatable age.

This should also allow me to add those images for ages that have been created since I built this age.

There is also the possibility of adding more rooms.

I also know there has been some talk of a Nexus issue with this in mind I have been considering trying to make every image a link point and to have a corresponding link in point in front of each image.

I know this is not linking books but within any boook you do touch an image and it could be argued that behind each painting there is a book thus keeping it consistent with cannon.

I am eliciting opinions here.

None of this is fixed and at the moment I am just involved in a lot of object renaming.

Once the renaming exercise is finished I should be able to provide some numbers on how many images are available in Nilodnam.

Re: Nilodnam Gallery

PostPosted: Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:30 pm
by J'Kla
Ok, I have created a new Gallery space and it has circa 1050 picture frames I reckon about 50 of them will fail because they are slots where touching the picture to link would be an issue, either way, it provides a lot of places that could be used for linking.

The new gallery space is a combination of Nilodnam and Noidrocca.

Either way, I am waiting for release 0.06 of Korman or at least one with ladder building capability. :-)

I also envisage any picture that has a link out would have a link in so that the builder of the age could place a link in their age such that they could link to the position in the gallery where their link out exists.