Help Adding items to Relto

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Help Adding items to Relto

Postby Tweek » Sun Apr 02, 2017 4:11 am

I'm currently in the process of building an Age (in Blender for Uru CC) for a friend of mine, however she doesn't want to deal with Offline KI and all that so what I'd like to do is make an addition of a book pedestal to her Relto.

At the moment I'm not sure if I plan on adding a simple pedestal and Linking Book to the Age to the inside of the Relto hut or making something a little more fancy outside of Relto (maybe around the back of the hut).

However, I've not added anything to existing Cyan Ages before so I have no idea what I'm doing or how. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated thanks :)
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Re: Help Adding items to Relto

Postby Karkadann » Sun Apr 02, 2017 12:05 pm

I inquired "if there was a way to add stuff to an age similar to the way you add a Relto page" some years ago, this is the tutorial I use

Yes, you can add pages to any Age in precisely the same way. For
concreteness, I'll imagine you want to add a page called
"tldnKarkPage" to Teledahn. Looking at the Teledahn.age file, we see
that Page number 81 is unused, so use that. So make a Teledahn.age
file, and have the lines:


in it. (You also need to add the "Page=tldnKarkPage,81" line to the
end of the Teledahn.age file in your Uru game.)

That should work then!

(But if you can't find your object, maybe make sure you've got
"Page=tldnKarkPage,81" and not "Page=tldnKarkPage,81,1".)

I have several linking stones/books on book stand a few steps in front of my link in point to save time running around the island
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using the tutorial above and one or more of these pythons
viewtopic.php?f=9&t=6197 although I think those pythons still use the offline KI so you might havta use the other pythons ... 152&t=1087
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Re: Help Adding items to Relto

Postby Karkadann » Thu Apr 06, 2017 10:00 pm

There is also a Blender tutorial for adding Relto pages someplace around here, I can send you the link if it helps.
Also you might contact someone involved in Ahra Pahts they might also be able to help I guess its done in a similar way
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