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Is The Lost City of Atlantis MOSS Shard still alive?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:56 am
by Annabelle
Hi everyone,

I'm just wondering what is going on with that shard. I cannot log there since more than a month, there's no activity on the forum, it even gives me since today, i didn't check lately, a Network 404 error. The urulauncher doesn't say anymore "Welcome to The Lost City of Atlantis".

That shard was very buggy but there was surely something to do with it, maybe there's no room really for multiple shards afterall running on same environment, take for example the Alcugs shards, Deep Island and UAM are well alive but the 3rd one: TOC TPOTS didn't have any success at all.

Since the opening of TOC MOUL and its success, I think TLCA MOSS just died. I just hope there will be another shard in the future running on MOSS or Dirtsand environment.

I'm just asking that to free some room on my PCs. I would freed 3-4 Gb on my old PC which is overloaded right now if I had the answer.


Re: Is The Lost City of Atlantis MOSS Shard still alive?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:57 pm
by Luna
I think actually that the TOC shard failed because some people that were associated with it *coughcough* Dhelyan* coughcough* rather than the existence of the Uam and the DI shard.

I'm not entirely sure but I think Alantis went down because of the amount of bugs, but I'm really not sure.

Edit: Also TOC is running MOSS, not sure why you're referring to it as "MOUL".

Re: Is The Lost City of Atlantis MOSS Shard still alive?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 12:06 pm
by semplerfi
Luna wrote:I'm not entirely sure but I think Alantis went down because of the amount of bugs, but I'm really not sure.

Last I heard Merc was rebuilding the server that hosted his "The Lost City of Atlantis Shard".

Re: Is The Lost City of Atlantis MOSS Shard still alive?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 1:00 pm
by Annabelle
Thx :)

I will keep my installs on both PC, I will make room using a Plan B. I think that TLCA shard can still be enjoyable. It's the first MOSS shard to have introduced a fan age and it was the first MOSS shard made public, and Merc gave a "test age" for developers which shows that he cares about implementing more fan ages as the time go by :)

I will take your words Semplerfi as I don't even know how to set up a server, I do have enough knowledge to understand that it's not an easy task.