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I am new and I need HELP please.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:55 am
by qaz151
Hi. I dont know if i should say my real name or not but I am new and I need help with something. I found this website by accident yesterday and after looking at it I thought someone here can help me. So anyway I was messing with "dragon naturally speaking 1.1" and (In my oppinnion) I came up with something intresting.

"NEVEAM is a beautiful place. There is no other place like it. It is surrounded by fresh ocean water that is safe to drink. The ocean is filled with hundreds of coral and thousands of species of aquatic and amphibious life. It has a beautiful beach surrounding the island except for the South which is covered by massive rocks. Near the massive rocks is a little town made from them. Living in the town are 10 feet tall muscular people. These "Giants" are surprisingly very peaceful and friendly. Near the town is a huge circular forest filled with beautiful plants, delicious fruit, and amazing animals. Living in the trees are monkey people. They live in huts that are in the trees. They do not mean any harm but they love to play pranks and have a great sense of humor. Beyond the forest where the monkey people live is a circular Canyon. In the Canyon is a river filled with fresh water that comes out of the roots of a giant tree that is surrounded by the Canyon. The tree can only be reached by a lone land bridge that crosses the Canyon. The tree produces many different fruits. But to the monkey people and the Giants it is a holy tree. The monkey people believe that the tree is a living entity that created the world that they know and all the life in it. The Giants believe that creatures that they call Gods made the world that they know and all the life in it made the tree to punish the sinners or bless the worshipers who eat the fruit. The monkey people won't eat the fruit because it is part of the tree and believe that the Gods are actually demons that want to change the world to their liking. They believe that the tree banished the demons to the mountain in the North and removed it from the island. The mountain is now 10 miles away from the island. The mountain is so tall that the top of it is covered by clouds. The Giants believe that the mountain is where the Gods lived their whole lives. Both Giants and monkey people believe that a God/demon can only leave the mountain if you allow it to come with you. The Giants believe that the God will only leave if you either say they are no longer needed or if they see snakes or a symbol of the snake. The Giants believe that the Gods fear snakes because snakes are the only things that can kill them. The monkey people believe that as well so they keep snakes as pets and have the symbol of the snake on the entrance to their hut to protect them from the Gods/demons. To the west of the island is a swamp of giant mushrooms with a few bizarre creatures. Living in the swamp is a village of creatures that walk on their hands and feet. Sometimes they walk on just their feet. Their heads are huge and bald but their eyes are small and white yet they can still see. On their backs are strong armor shells that protects their fragil but powerful wings. Their feet are like humans except their toes have claws and they have an extra toe with a claw on the back of their heels. They call themselves messengers because they deliver messages from the Gods/demons. They sometimes bring good news and sometimes bring bad news. Every day one group of five members of the village will go to the mountain in the North for half a day and then return to deliver the messages to either the Giants, the monkey people, or to their village. To the east of the island are tons of geysers that have color changing water. Only one of the geysers is extinct. That geyser leads to a cave filled with diamonds and crystals. The diamonds and crystals are living creatures that bore through the ground and grow. If you break a piece off a diamond or crystal the piece will grow as well. If water touches a diamond or crystal it will slowly dissolve the part it touched."

That is all I got. So can someone create the place I am describing along with Its civilizations, gods/demons, and creatures. By the way the gods/demons are suppossed to be the Bahro. I would do it my self but I have no clue what to even do. So can someone here do it for me please.

Re: I am new and I need HELP please.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 12:56 pm
by Lyrositor
I don't quite follow you. Are you proposing an idea for a new Age you'd like to build (or have someone build for you)?

If you are proposing an Age, there are several problems with your idea. Specifically, your story violates RAWA's Guidelines for Writing, specifically rules #2 and #3. Additionally, you are proposing a massive project without the means to accomplish it. Many people have had great ideas before, but creating such an Age would probably require a team with the same means as Cyan (or an extremely lazy modeller).

If you are proposing a book or short story, the Guild of Writers does not do that kind of writing, so you're in the wrong location.

It is also an extremely bad idea to publicly reveal your e-mail; I suggest you edit your post and remove it.

Finally, to make things easier on readers, could you please subdivide your post with paragraphs, headings and so on? It is quite a pain to read something as massive as that, especially when there seems to be no-apparent structure to it.

Re: I am new and I need HELP please.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 2:40 pm
by Gahlen
Lyrositor wrote:… your story violates RAWA's Guidelines for Writing, specifically rules #2 and #3.

There might be ways around that: nothing in this description suggests that the divinities of this place really exist. It's easy enough to develop a cult out of a one-time encounter with a Bahro (on his or her way somewhere …) that is then propagated by a secret priesthood that keeps the rest of the denizens of the world in the dark about their nefarious plans … etc. RAWA could surely have no problems with that. (And I have no problem with the long paragraph. I read texts like that online every day. ;) )

The real issue is the whole "make me a world, please" request. The Guild exists largely to help people help themselves. Not knowing where to start is not an excuse: there is a wealth of information on the Wiki and elsewhere on the forums to help people learn how to create Ages. So my advice would be: don't wait around for someone else to do it for you, download Blender or whatever you want to use and get started yourself. If you need help with specific things, people here are more than happy to explain how to do stuff. But no one is going to do the work for you.

Re: I am new and I need HELP please.

PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:21 am
by qaz151
I wanted me and someone to work on it and help each other out. And yes I wanted to make it into a world. If theirs going to be a problem with it I could change somethings but if its going to be a big problem then I will remove it.I thought this might be a fun thing I could do.

P.S. I will try to find out how to do this so I might be at least usefull if someone decides to help me or I will do this on my own.

P.S.S. I will also remove my Email address if its going to be a problem.