As it recently oftentimes was and still is the subject to consider which fan ages might be worth the effort
to be chosen and converted for future implementation on the shard, I suddenly, a few days ago, felt inspired,
esp. through Deledrius' request to have a comfortable listing available to inform of the scope, type and quality
of the existing ages, to put something like this together to glance through easily and comfortably ...
What I did and why and how in short I'll put in spoiler tags to keep this straight ...
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The UAM Wiki page for the fan ages is quite outdated as some might have noticed
already, most pictures are very old and thus of a low quality and some are depicting
wrong versions of the resp. age apart from many of them being mixed up (I don't know
what causes this on the web server maybe, when you copy and paste a 'wrong' picture
somewhere you'll get the correct one from the image url btw), and some ages aren't
listed at all ...
Yeah, I nonetheless thought it'd be great to have the information there straight and
coherently at hand along with one or two nice pictures without clicking around and
having to highlight the covered walkthrough and thus description of the resp. age
to be readable ...
So, what I did is exactly that, I setup a Word doc in LibreOffice and put together the
available information, author, walkthrough and some extra info if provided along with
one or two to three newer pictures only a few of them were ok to be adopted and some
not possible to be replaced by better ones for reasons of age and/or a very experimental
look and feel... All pictures are new versions taken by me now ...
Then I created the PDF files with the integrated PDF tool and there we have it ...
Most All of the pictures have a size of 800x600 or 800x500sth, also the smaller ones,
they were only adjusted to fit in place, so, they can be saved from the Word doc
for further use ...
You do not get rid of the green color btw, that's why you'll find the text green,
but it looked nice so I've left it that way lol ... I also left the text the way it
was once written, I didn't proof-read it either, I only chose a uniform font (Arial)
and adjusted a bit ...
The whole text was overhauled and refined for a more consistent look and feel ...
The ages are arranged in alphabetical order, everyone can set their own bookmarks for
categories or other distinctions ... or edit the Word documents and create a new PDF etc. ...
At this point I'd like to make it very clear that you will have documents with ALL Information
openly to be seen (if you don't want to read the walkthroughs then don't read them and enjoy the
picture show lol)
I've created two PDF files, A-N and O-Z ... I was very glad that they came up with a size of as small as
16 MB only despite all the pictures ... The Word docs have a size of 21 MB ...
I've uploaded the PDF files to a resp. folder along with the original two Word documents, so that the
contents and info could easily be edited or corrected and adjusted to anybody's liking, and you
can define bookmarks, add annotations and links or hightlight text etc. in the PDF yourself ...
So, anyone interested,
please find and download the files here ... Enjoy ...
In retrospect I'd like to say that it was in many cases a real delight to visit all the ages and multifaceted
worlds again, and I'd like thus to extend a big kudos and thanks to all of the various precious age builders
for enriching the D'niverse with your creativity and dedication ...
For all thinking about copyrights, please
follow this link to my comment on that subject, or read it directly
below as a slightly modified version to keep it more general
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For everyone interested, the pictures in the documents, even if some might look similar, are all mine ... The ones on the UAM Wiki were mostly outdated, and so I've visited all ages again, to have some more and esp. new versions ...
In the course of updating and improving the documents, the text parts where also partially added by me, esp. completely to the newer ages and those not on the UAM Wiki, or were at least largely elaborated on and refined as for the type face etc. for better readability, and most links, esp. the ones leading to the GoW or the authors' own websites were added by me after research ... The links to the UAM Wiki, if available (not all ages are listed there), were added as a credit in a way, for the sake of and just in case ...
So, maybe one could say that this is in many ways not the original UAM Wiki information anymore, but I'm not competent enough, in such cases, to know exactly if that'd be sufficient to use everything completely as it is in whatever way ... Maybe better just use the texts, where there is no UAM link added, except the additional links I've been researching myself, but the pictures are all mine and free to use by anyone ...