Happy coincidence, I've spent the evening working on MystV-on-Uru related stuff.
*cough* *cough* Drizzle33 *cough*On the API side, there are a couple more differences - mostly functions that were renamed (like OnServerInitComplete) or completely replaced/added. Comparing the decompiled MV Python scripts to the
converted versions shipped with Drizzle32 should provide a lot of info on the most common differences.
jfmherokiller wrote:ptAttribGlobalSDLVar
Easily replaced with ptAttribString and PtGetAgeSDL() for the most part. The only exception as you noted are SDLs that are accessed across Ages. One solution is to store them in Personal/Relto like Ahnonay does. Another is to access another Age's SDL via the Vault, but it's not compatible with PtGetAgeSDL() - for some reason, they return different records. Both solutions can still be used if you're careful, but they are kinda ugly/hackish and unreliable in my opinion. Hence why I simply avoided any cross-Age SDL access in the Drizzle32 version.
jfmherokiller wrote:ptGUISketchControl
Not worth the trouble IMHO. Even if you could get sketch recognition working, this would only open a huge can of worms, which is making the Slates and Bahros behave together. Uru doesn't want objects moving across Ages or being picked up by players, and you can't spawn or animate Bahro NPCs either.
IMHO it's best to not bother with story elements like these. They rely on the engine too much, and at that point you're better off booting Myst V anyway. But that's just my opinion, of course.
With that said, it's possible to get some sort of GUI drawing working in Uru. The.Modificator did it in his Tawah (?) Age. Could be used for fun stuff in fan Ages, but setting it up appears to be tough...
On the PRP side, a huge number of object types were either added or modified. Those require a
huge number of workarounds to get them to work semi-reliably on PotS.