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Re: Simple journals and Linking Books

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:48 am
by Deledrius
Sirius wrote:As for the Ahnonay linking panel, loading a different panel for each sphere wouldn't be too hard - the only problem is the panel wouldn't be changed if you kept the book up and someone rotated the spheres.

The best solution for the linking panel to look exactly as a "real" linking panel would be to load the Age in memory with any player exploring it, and render this Age on the book - which is beyond most game engine's performances. Still, that would be fun :)

I didn't mean from a technical perspective but from the in-universe expectation of a live panel. The panel for Ahnonay is deliberately deceptive in a way that makes little sense based on the actual link-in point. But that discussion probably belongs in another thread...

Re: Simple journals and Linking Books

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:35 pm
by diafero
Sirius wrote:Adding a dynamic image map isn't required - it's already used by the book GUI and the ptBook class to draw text and images.
However, there is no way to access it without passing it as an argument in a pythonfilemod.
That's what Dustin did for books - add it to the xKI file, and then save it in a variable in

Interesting... so the Python code just draws over the already rendered page and covers a part of it?

I'll upload stuff to Deep Island soon and check whether some existing books and stones still work, before uploading a new version to UAM.